This map crosses the natural protected areas in continental Portugal with the species richness, which is the number of species within a defined region, observed in different groups.
The data was...
Tropical storms and hurricanes are one of the extreme climate events that have major impact on low latitudinal regions. These extreme events contribute significantly to the climate hazards in...
Protected natural areas of land and water in the UK and Ireland.
This includes areas protected by international, European and national laws.
Even on our crowded islands, we can provide...
Data from the US Department of Agriculture (USDA) show that pasture and range conditions have been in decline for quite some time. Pasture varies in its uses but is important for harvesting...
Often, road names have common suffixes or prefixes. The map illustrates the occurrence of popular road name types encoded by color.
The resulting colorful network reveals some interesting...
As our access to fresh water becomes threatened and the demand for virtual water is increasing, the need for understanding and knowing our virtual water footprint is essential. This series of...
Despite resistance from environmentalists, Native tribes, and local communities, Enbridge moves forward with its pipeline plans. But at what cost?
Enbridge Inc. is an international pipeline...
This data visualization explores the age of buildings in New York City by decade, from the early 1800s until the 2020s.
It uses geospatial data, tracing the blueprints of every building in NYC....
Winemakers are some of the most seasoned climate scientists in the world. Agricultural techniques required for harvesting grapes accumulated over decades (sometimes centuries), coupled with precise...
Accessibility is one of the drivers of health behaviours. This user-friendly interactive viz looks at location-related accessibility to facilities which may enable healthier lifestyle in Singapore....
There are over 3000 memorial plaques and commemorative signs in Berlin. They commemorate Nazi Germany, the Berlin Wall and famous personalities of the city's history. Together, they shape Berlin's...
Water stress or scarcity does always need to be reflected in context. While some parts of the world are only sparsely populated, the impact and mitigation of water stress in densely populated areas...
When 2020 Census data was released, FiveThirtyEight visual journalists Ryan Best and Elena Mejía used the new data to explore the extent of which racial segregation caused by redlining was still...
How much CO2 is emitted by producing wheat versus beef burgers, or by taking a transatlantic flight, or by different countries each year, or by the global shipping industry?
The media throws...
Gender equity and advocating for women in leadership roles goes beyond checking a diversity box. Women are disproportionately effected by climate change and tend to have the long-term leadership...
Dubai is known to be home to several expats who come here to make their livelihoods. While looking at a country's attractiveness and in order to make decisions to move and/or settle in a place, a...
Mangrove forests are one of the most productive marine ecosystems in tropical and subtropical coastal areas. They have the characteristics of both terrestrial and marine ecosystems and are also...
This is a visual experiment showing the global surface temperature anomalies situation over the course of ~130 years. Baseline is defined as the 1971 - 2000 average in degrees Celsius. Positive...
The aim of this Instagram carousel is to sensibilise people around the theme of threatened species.
Madagascar is the first country with the highest number of threatened species in the world....
Goal 11 of the United Nations Conference on Sustainable Development is to make cities and human settlements inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable. This project starts with UN Goal 11 and...
A data visualization that presents the global distribution, across continents and countries, of minerals using the periodic table of elements.
There is strong competition among producing...
Haller’s Journey is an immersive story map inviting the reader to follow along the botanical journey of Albrecht von Haller, an 18th-century botanist, and physician. In 1739, Haller left his...
"Spain lives in flats" is an innovative and interactive journalistic project by that analyzes the footprint of more than 12 million buildings to map the height of Spanish cities in 3D...
Global Forest of Endangered Plants
This project provides an objective scientific understanding of the proportion of endangered plants in each region/country (Data Source/ IUCN Red List Index May...
Our noise maps show the levels of exposure to noise in London, Paris and New York. Use your mouse to explore the loudest and quietest spots. We’ve created this to help people learn more about noise...
I created this for the December 2019 Storytelling with Data Challenge. In this animated visualization, I decided to explore a topic that has sort of "loomed" over me a good chunk of my life. In my...
Coastal cities need billions of dollars to build defenses against sea level rise. Tensions are growing over where that funding will come from: taxpayers or private companies with waterfront...
Our living areas have been heating up, so has the heritage of the precious species in the rainforest. This series of visualisations tell the story of the countries near the equator, and dive into...
The Arctic seascape plays an important role in North American trade and defense; however, in recent years, the Arctic has undergone radical changes, altering current shipping routes and opening up...
"For centuries, atlases depicted what people could see: roads, rivers, mountains. Today, we need graphics to reveal the invisible patterns that shape our lives. Atlas of the Invisible is an ode to...