The Oberhaeuser calendar 2013 is a printed wall calendar 100x70cm big. Each color-ring represents one month of the year. Federal holidays (United States) are highlighted with an icon and white...
OMG SPACE: Venus is a depiction of all probes sent to or near Venus within all of humanity's history of space exploration. OMG SPACE was developed as a way to communicate the incredible...
Persua created this infographic for the Confederation of European Paper Industries (CEPI).
It is a visualisation of the water profile in the pulp and paper industry of CEPI member countries.
What if we could see a baseball player's offensive stats all at once? These are radar charts, but try to think of them as fingerprints of offensive output.
Color research in movies. We held a survey concerning colors presented in several films by means of calculating the amount of one or another color shade appearing during the whole movie. That's how...
Ancient Chinese inventions include many common items in use today, amongst them paper, silk, matches, gunpowder, and even toothbrushes. The graphic looks at some of these inventions, sorting them...
This infographic defines the key objects which overtime have had a profound impact on the development of Retail and society. Arriving at the list of 100 objects has been an enriching experience....
In this data visualisation, we chart the source material for the highest-grossing film every year since the original blockbuster, –Gone with the Wind' in 1939. Many were inspired by comic books, TV...
This web Application visually organizes the U.S. Presidential Election results. It provides the viewer with a more in-depth analysis beyond the red and blue divide.
From his early silent films in the UK to his –golden years' at Paramount, Alfred Hitchcock returned to the same motifs and themes time and time again. Here we analyse some of these trademark...
One of the leading Dutch websites in marketing,, asked me if I could design an infographic to come along with their annual report. 'And oh yeah, it will be online...
The United States Electoral College is the institution that officially elects the President and Vice President of the United Sates every four years.
This political map looks very different from the...
This infographic gives a detailed overview of the book making process. This was used as a sales consultation tool by a book manufacturer to walk prospective customers through their custom quote and...
Does your name affect your destiny? By signalling your class, gender or ethnicity, does it make certain careers out of reach? We looked at the most popular first names in a range of professions and...
The idea of 'home' to me is an intriguing one - many people associate it with a constant physical location, but in my case, my location was constantly changing.This infographic is aimed to chart my...
Many of the defining forces of our time — the rise of the digital age, the globalization of the economy, the decline of American competitiveness — can be understood through one simple thing: a...
Corruption is a problem worldwide, but how bad is it? And what can be done? Transparency International's Corruption Perceptions Index seeks to help answer these questions.
Updated automatically every day, a zoomable, interactive mind map showing popular Twitter hashtags and how they are all connected. Drill-down into top tweets and users related to individual tags...
In two centuries, the world has been dramatically transformed by a series of interconnected moments-the breakthroughs, creations, discoveries, innovations, revolutions and momentous human...
World renowned author and businessman Steven Brill has detailed what a huge mess the U.S. is in regarding health care, hospitalization, procedures, and drug costs, and postulates what we can do...
This TNS UK research document gives an overview of consumer attitudes, concerns and behaviours on food. The team worked hard to turn the potentially dry data into an engaging design through...
In 2012, over 2,400 Palestinian Prisoners mounted a hunger strike against the Israeli military for detention without trial. –Hunger Strikes' was created as one Palestinian administrative detainee,...
I started this infographic in the hope that if I could visualise James Joyce's Ulysses—considered one of the most complex works of modern literature—I could visualise anything! This was a...
Just because you're at work, doesn't mean you're actually getting work done. Between excessive emails, pointless meetings, and constant interruptions, your productivity takes a back seat. You're...