NHS Winter was an innovative cross-platform BBC News project that provided insight and context to the debate around pressures in UK emergency care. The backbone of the project was an online weekly...
The Force Report, a 16-month investigation by NJ Advance Media, found New Jersey’s system for tracking police force is broken. It collected five years of police force data to show readers how often...
We have trouble understanding and accepting mass deaths . For example, numbers like 1; 2; 14; 20; 50, are all quantities that we encounter quite frequently and therefore we’re able to rationalize...
A Washington Post-SurveyMonkey poll of more than 74,000 registered voters reveals how the 2016 campaign is playing out in every state, including some unexpected shifts.
I started this infographic in the hope that if I could visualise James Joyce's Ulysses—considered one of the most complex works of modern literature—I could visualise anything! This was a...
My husband and I are avid fans of the Twitch stream, Critical Role, where "a bunch of nerdy-ass voice actors get together to play Dungeons & Dragons." They love the fan art community, and since...
The visualization is a self-exploration study. This is how I prepared myself to travel to the multiple destinations that are mapped, according to my browser history. Each ring represents a website...
Warming Warning immerses visitors in a three-dimensional visualization of ongoing climate change. On one side, the > 1.5 °F change (since 1880) in global average temperature is highlighted...
The main visual interface for threaded conversations on the internet (forums) is still mostly text. In this work we give a full reimagining of the forum reading experience through the use of graph...
Last year, I made a series of visualizations based on playlist data from my favorite local radio station: KEXP. Well, it’s a new year and there’s new data, so here I go again! First, let’s start...
The latest World Bank Gender Statistics data released in March 2023, shows among other things, the extent to which women are active in the labour force across 183 countries, over 6 regions.
Professor Alison Siegler, and her team at the Federal Criminal Justice Clinic of the University of Chicago conducted an extensive examination of federal pretrial detention. What they found when...
Data Selfie is a Chrome browser extension that I used to track myself while I interact – click, type, scroll, dwell – with content on Facebook and that predicts various personality traits and...
This project visualizes the boat traffic in Amsterdam's canals, with actual data. It explores the different types of vessels in the water and their speeds, and watch the traffic ebb and flow as the...
Market Map is an experimental data visualization project that explores new ways of visualizing the US stock market data. We believe that the map can help the wide audience of people interested in...
Access to good-quality affordable housing is a fundamental need and key to achieving a number of social policy objectives, including reducing poverty and enhancing equality of opportunity, social...
Illegal, Unreported and Unregulated fishing represents almost 15% of all world fishing products and is valued at around $17 Billion.
To fight this problem, GI-TOC and Poseidon Consulting have...
London Greenground Map is an independent project by graphic designer Helen Ilus to support the sustainable ideas of National Park City movement. The idea of the Greenground Map is to envision...
Information visualization has traditionally limited itself to 2D representations, primarily due to the prevalence of 2D displays. While techniques that utilize immersive environments, such as...
Commercial companies like SpaceX are starting to gain traction in the space industry. There are currently more than a dozen private rocketscapsules and spaceplanes under development, with more on...
We give far too much credence to individual statistics on social and economic well-being. Take the poverty rate. That statistic tells us the share of the population below a specific income...
The Bureau of Labor Statistics’ monthly jobs report is an important measure of our economy’s health. But much of the news coverage overestimates the importance of early numbers that are subject to...
The project is an attempt to remember the massacre of Rabaa, Cairo, Egypt. August 2013. This data visualisation is made to be created by users using fusible plastic beads as a way to make users...
Bicycle makers continue to produce lighter machines with better grip and more powerful brakes. Riders have been flirting with unheard of speeds during descents, touching 70 miles an hour. And...
Humans grow and waste food at a staggering scale.
We devote half the earth’s habitable land to food production, while ultimately tossing one-third of that food. Simply using the food we grow and...
This visualization was created as part of the Viz4ClimateAction initiative hosted by Tableau and TheSDGVizProject. It features 4 different visuals that walk users through the story of climate...
A personal data visualisation exploring the relationship between different variables that were documented daily throughout the UK’s first national lockdown as a result of COVID-19. The power of...
The infographic shows that, after excluding the geographical latitude factor which indicated the strongest correlation, the most significant correlation was between per capita car ownership and...