This infographic is an attempt to present Boston subway information to help people in Boston better understand the trains, how people use the trains, and how the people and trains interact with...
There are more than 1,200 active satellites orbiting earth right now, taking pictures, relaying communications, broadcasting locations, spying on you, and even housing humans. Thanks to a database...
A European Union study found “breathtaking” levels of corruption across the 28-country bloc, costing the region at least 120bn euros ($162bn) a year. The study included a survey of public...
Men now outnumber women on the planet by 60 million, the highest ever recorded. Preference for sons in India and China is driving the trend, but those two countries are not the only ones struggling...
Redburn is Europe’s largest independent equity research and broking firm and has a premium position in the market. Redburn IDEAS helps fund managers, sales people, and analysts understand and...
For The Migration Observatory in Oxford, CLEVERFRANKE created two different visualizations exploring the topic of migration; the first focusing on quantitative data taken from the 2011 UK census,...
The panorama view shows the 50 top songs as individual planetary systems with the original work as the sun. Each planet represents a version of the song and it’s appearance indicates...
Sociotope is a social media experiment made with WebGL. It visualizes the data you left in social networks in a way you possibly haven't seen before. Using motion as a metaphor for relevance,...
The visualisation shows the
cost of houses around the
world, in comparison with the
greater or fewer resources
available to buy or rent a flat.
Chicago is a major transport hub in the US and mobility being its vital economic driver. In light of an estimated population growth of 2 million in the next decades, its infrastructure is in...
Helps brands and media to explore innovation. Believes in brainstorm and joined forces. Condenses all the necessary skills, from journalism to data science, graphic design, animation and...
The interactive installation On Broadway represents life in the 21st century city through a compilation of images and data collected along the 13 miles of Broadway that span...
A recent Naked Data newsletter pointed me to this article on Wikipedia which gives a list of when the world was predicted to end throughout recorded history. It is a timeline of when the world...
We have trouble understanding and accepting mass deaths . For example, numbers like 1; 2; 14; 20; 50, are all quantities that we encounter quite frequently and therefore we’re able to rationalize...
Every year, the World Economic Forum brings together all the most recognisable figures in business and politics. With all eyes on Davos, we decided to turn the optics upside down and see who...
This chart is read left to right, up to down. Each row represents a year in my life (starting at age 15), and is made up of 365 columns representing days. You can navigate through the dates and...
My goal is to explore new experiences around data consumption beyond the written and visual forms by taking advantage of music's temporal nature and capacity to alter one's mood. Topics will...
The days when Leeds city centre's air would be so dense with smoke, grit and danger that the streets had to be evacuated are now, mostly, a memory, but not entirely behind us. As recently as March...
As anyone who has recently taken a road trip can attest, there are a lot of places in the United States with very distinctive names. Many of us at Fathom are fascinated by geography and the subtle...
An infographic on California's dry spell that plots data from the Palmer Hydrological Drought Index, a soil-moisture algorithm designed to measure the long-term impact of drought. The graph focuses...
"Histography" is an interactive timeline that spans across 14 billion years of history, from the Big Bang to 2015. The site draws historical events from Wikipedia and self-updates daily with new...
BBC Howzstat! is a publishing system and new video format for Cricket World Cup match wrap-ups that incorporates automated data graphics and a unified visual style. Due to the need for daily...
Hundreds of climbers are gathering in Nepal to begin a months-long odyssey up the world’s highest mountain in hopes of spending a few extraordinary moments on its peak. Scroll along the icy...