This is the project I lead at IPG Health to showcase one big pharmaceutical brand and how their media and website data is in a three-month data frame. The process started with data collection from...
Data name: Gantt Chart for Project management (Version 5)
This is high Quality Gantt chart.
The purpose is to:
1.To track project progress
2.To know status
3.To inform and give informed...
This chart visualises the entirety of companies comprising the FTSE Vanguard Global All Cap fund, a passive index fund comprised of large, mid-sized and small company shares in developed and...
The visualization is created using Tableau software, and some design elements are created with MS PowerPoint. This viz displays a 360° overview of a project's status and key performance indicators...
The Power Switcher is an online tool for expert users that allows them to explore future energy scenarios in Switzerland.
Users can try out all kinds of options and find out what the effect of...
FinDev Canada opened in 2018 with the goal of supporting the growth and sustainability of businesses in developing markets. After only two years of operations, they were ready to present their...
The visualization is created using Tableau software, and some design elements are created with MS PowerPoint. The viz uses sample superstore data available in Tableau Desktop and delivers a...
How the robot Jack the Checker can help insurance companies with invoice audit.
Insurance companies get lots of invoices that they ought to check for errors before they pay. This audit is a...
This data visualization represents the admitted patient care activity in English NHS hospitals and English NHS-commissioned activity in the independent sector during 2019-2020. This dashboard...
There is no one interface that will address all needs. Chart choosers (such as in Excel) allow for rapid selection of chart forms. Shelf-builders (such as Tableau) allow for rapid data exploration....