Bamboo scaffolding is an ancient technique that is still widely used in Hong Kong. It is a temporary structure for supporting a work crew and materials to aid in the construction, maintenance and...
The visualization is created using Tableau software, and some design elements are created with MS PowerPoint. This viz represents the number of appearances of different characters in Marvel Comic....
The infographic describes the British Library's daily newspaper archive in general and the development of British daily newspapers in particular.
The material consists of:
- A print,...
As a passionate reader, this interactive Tableau workbook explores my 2021 reading habits, including reading format, genre, time and money spent reading and acquiring books. Additionally, the...
An interactive SciArt installation which explores an idea of the plasticity of DNA of individual organisms, genes eco-responsivity, and a new sensitivity to and importance of the personal data...
“Gustave Roud. Complete works - Genetic dossiers visualizations” provides a visual representation of the creative process followed by Gustave Roud, Swiss author from the XX century, in the making...
Wagashi 和菓子 are traditional Japanese sweets comprised of mochi, anko, and/or fruit. Visualization includes analysis of economical components, popularity and comparison with other Japanese...
Violence against women does not mean only physical violence. It is much broader and includes sexual, emotional, psychological and financial abuse.
On an international level, the United Nations...
In this visual essay, I go to great lengths to explore the question, "how much does Kid Cudi hum?", at a variety of levels of granularity. First, I look at each of Kid Cudi's albums, then at each...
This visualization was created using open source data containing every word spoken by character and location, in the first 27 seasons of the Simpsons. The size of each circle represents the number...
How Humans and Machines Make Music is an educational and visual infographic explaining the steps taken to create and manufacture guitars. This infographic's design elements and photography are...
For this project, I focused on the process of developing compelling narratives using information and data, accompanied by techniques primarily associated with audience. The consideration of the...
How do you visualise musical tastes across the world? That was the challenge we faced working on an article analysing five years of music streamed on Spotify.
This project looks at the decline...
An exploration of the 139 thousand artworks in the catalogued collection of the Museum of Modern Art.
Four areas are included in the data analysis: Dimensions, Department, Gender and Nationality.
The Witcher, a fantasy novel series by Andrzej Sapkowski, has inspired multiple computer games and was even launched on Netflix in 2019, with the latest season airing in December 2021. Fictional...
The Seinfeld Chronicles is a limited edition self-published book of visual analysis exploring every episode of Seinfeld, released in October 2020.
The musicality of language is something defines...
What forms of A.I. appear in movies? Are the stories more positive or negative? What stories tend to correlate with others?
What does this imply that we should do right now about AI?
This visualization traces the musical lineage of over 10,000 artists to just 8 "originals". Starting with the most influential artist in 8 different genres (based on the number of artists that they...
Malaysia is a multiracial, multilingual and multicultural country. The Chinese, as the second largest race, has also influenced the cultural development of the local society. Malaysian Chinese...
Kids are absorbing the world around them. They are creating their knowledge and believes from scratch. We, as parents, are trying to set an example of an equal relationship. Plus we read a lot to...
StockX is a popular online marketplace for buying and selling sneakers and clothing. As someone interested in both sneakers and data, I felt that it would be interesting to see what insights I...
When somebody tells you "Listen to this band as it is listed #1 in XX top bands list" just how much sense are they making?
I analysed various music, genre, track top lists trying to find any...
The night sky has always accompanied and inspired people. The stories and myths of the cultures of mankind have always found a counterpart in the stars. The project "Sternenhimmel der Menschheit"...
I published this data visualization of mine on April 21, 2021 and in short, I’m displaying the racial diversity for each of the four main acting categories winners.
This story is about the most recent restoration of Hubert and Jan van Eyck’s Adoration of the Mystic Lamb, also known as the Ghent Altarpiece. We received high resolution images of this world’s...
This visualization uses a series of relatively simple but well-designed charts to tell an intriguing story about diversity. The first sections aim at quantifying the lack of diversity in the first...
Show Your Kid How Old They Are on Jupiter, Mars With This Calculator
They say age is just a number, but it turns out that number can range wildly depending on what planet you’re on. And thanks...
We helped Instacart create 2021 Delivered, an interactive microsite that examines grocery trends across more than 14,000 U.S. cities. Search for a city or enter your zip code, then see personalized...