The Center for Investigative Journalism of Serbia (CINS) monitors the development of coronavirus in Serbia and its impact on the lives of people since the beginning of the pandemic. Since there is...
I spent a lot of time inside in 2020. A lot of people did. But when I started tallying up just how much time, I realized I was on track to spend almost half the year indoors. A bit shocked, a bit...
This visualization shows the symptomatic journey of 1 million COVID cases from diagnosis to the long COVID range of 16-20 weeks. At each 4 week juncture, a sankey treatment is used to show how case...
Scientists say the pandemic will end in the U.S. only when we achieve what's called herd immunity. Play with our simulations to see how immunity can stop an outbreak in its tracks. We explain a...
Which communities are the most vulnerable to COVID-19 and why? Where and how should we target resources or interventions to best mitigate the impacts of the pandemic? The Surgo Ventures Precision...
The COVID-19 Impact and Economic Recovery Hub provides comprehensive coverage on the nation’s pandemic recovery, incorporating data from hundreds of trusted government sources. Real-time data is...
They were the first ones on the dance floor, the first in their families to immigrate to the United States, the first to lend a helping hand or words of support. Grandma, Pop Pop, Butterfly, Coach,...
In early 2020, the COVID-19 pandemic presented the entire world with its worst public health threat in at least a century. But the pandemic had economic consequences as well. And like the public...
In the middle of the Covid-19 pandemic, a major contagious outbreak occurred, forcing the authorities to take restrictive measures for the population, such as the closure of schools, bars, and...
During the confinement in Spain, between March and May, 53 consecutive days, we produced a daily visual column that was published in Diario de Navarra, the leading newspaper in the community. It...
Since the outbreak of the corona pandemic, sharing reliable information has become one of the most important functions of governments. The Dutch government found it essential to have a single...
New variants of SARS-CoV-2 are rapidly spreading through the U.S. These coronavirus variants are being studied because they may be more transmissible, cause more severe disease, or reduce the...
This visualisation shows the outbreak of covid 19 in the southern region of India during the lockdown 1.0 & 2.0 i.e from 25 March 2020 to 03 May 2020. The intervals of lockdown are arranged in...
A semi-realtime simulation of the number of COVID cases reported.
This visualization was created before there were vaccines, and in the news you would only hear big numbers: "800 new cases...
The Blavatnik School of Government at the University of Oxford collated every government intervention made during the COVID 19 Pandemic. Visualising this data allows us to understand the timeline...
A hyperlocal cooperative simulation game that shows how a hypothetical infectious disease might spread through a very real community. It uses real population and hospital data based on the provided...
Created in 2020, this data visualization documents my moods, activities, occasional thoughts, and interactions while following stay at home orders during those early months of the COVID-19...
It is my final assignment for a Master in Data Journalism and Visualization. The objective is to show how important data has become in Covid situation, the bias information could have, and the...
“ZOOM-CALL-LOOK” Data Visualization Project focuses on the evolution and impact of the make-up usage and dynamics during the Covid-19 pandemic.
The whole project started by a data collection based...
Although the pandemic of novel coronavirus caught humanity unawares, scientists worldwide rapidly started vaccine development. That led to a significant breakthrough in immunology: many developed...
For this project, I collaborated with another data scientist, Caroline Cullinan, to analyze Google mobility data from twelve countries. In conducting this analysis, Caroline and I had the goal of...
During the early stages of the COVID-19 pandemic, Graphicacy worked with our partners at Johns Hopkins University to design and engineer a visualization to help make sense of the testing landscape....
It all started when some of my closest friends and I tested positive for COVID back in December 2021. We tried to keep track of who was the one who had the first symptoms, but the information got...
This story of Hong Kong mass Covid test results starts with a set of very simple yet extreme numbers: A city of 7.5 million population, one fourth of them took the test and only 42 cases were...
Corona virus mutants are regularly popping up, but the common media reports did not give me a feeling for how dynamic the variant evolution really is. Only when I discovered a scientific preprint...
We started working on this story in late March or early April 2020 as we were trying to understand what was happening all around us, and what all the models being thrown out by epidemiologists...
Bollettino.grafico is both information and experimentation, the name itself is a declaration of intent. It’s called “bollettino” (dispatch) because it’s a fast direct daily update on the covid-19...
This piece was inspired by the many friends, acquaintances, and colleagues I have spoken to over the last 12-18 months about the safety and efficacy of Covid-19 vaccines. As an Epidemiologist at...
The average person in the 1%* could afford 1,524,709 doses of Covid-19 vaccine. The average person in the 99% could afford 19,866 doses (1,504,843 fewer).
To visualise this, each syringe in the...
For the first year of the Covid-19 pandemic, I marked every siren, helicopter and construction noise I heard on paper. I charted it here, and included other sounds and events within earshot from my...