We worked with the Iran Media Program to map a complex constellation of leaders and governing bodies involved in Internet censorship in Iran. It visualizes the relationships between different...
As T.S. Eliot said,
'Mankind cannot bear very much reality'.
His own answer was Anglo-Catholicism but what irrational beliefs sustain other people in the UK?
Almost half of Americans believe that immigrants make crime worse. But the data tells a different story. This visual piece examines the relationship between immigration and crime in American cities...
20 years ago, he played his first professional match. Roger Federer has now won his 20th Grand Slam title. A data analysis of all the matches he has played reveals how he became the best tennis...
We looked through decades of rap lyrics and categorized every mention of Donald Trump and other presidential candidates, and presented the results with graphics, sound and an interactive database.
Hillary Clinton surpassed Donald Trump by more than 2 million votes, but lost the electoral college 306 to 232. In raw votes, it was the largest popular-vote lead in history for a candidate who...
"In flight" is a live data-driven interactive documentary created by Kiln for the Guardian to mark the centenary of commercial aviation. It combines a cutting-edge real-time interactive map of...
‘Visualizing Yemen's Invisible War’ is a multimedia special feature that explores the horrific consequences of US support for the Saudi-led intervention in Yemen, using first-hand accounts from...
This interactive visualization supported the Center for Public Integrity's "Breathless and Burdened: Dying from Black Lung, Buried by Law and Medicine" series, which exposed how eminent doctors and...
The Affordability Explorer is an interactive app that maps data about the housing affordability of 584 cities. The main intention is to inform about relation between house price, income and...
An infographic on California's dry spell that plots data from the Palmer Hydrological Drought Index, a soil-moisture algorithm designed to measure the long-term impact of drought. The graph focuses...
I’m the kind of person who binges on real-time charts during election nights, but not this voting season. My interest is waning because of a sense that political divisions have become deeper, less...
Storytelling with Data teaches you the fundamentals of data visualization and how to communicate effectively with data. You'll discover the power of storytelling and the way to make data a...
This dashboard provides insight into Employee Retention for the "Superstore" company allowing you to view historical retention for the entire company or any of the 3 Segments within the company. It...
Since December, our model has taken in all published constituency-level polls, UK-wide polls and polling conducted in the nations, and projected the result in each of the 650 Westminster...
With the interactive map, users can follow the Berlin Marathon in time lapse for the first time, and compare the runners. The application shows how fast all 35,827 runners that finished the 2016...
Harvard Growth Lab’s Country Complexity Profiles is a first-of-its-kind tool that revolutionizes how to think about economic strategy, policy, and investment opportunities for over 130 countries....
Think of a big number, the biggest one you can conceive of. Now add 1. You have a bigger number. You can keep going on and on, until you get to infinity. But is this ‘infinity’ an actual...
A socially-conscious data visualization firm that helps companies and organizations promote information transparency and public awareness. From endangered species, to sustainability, to politics,...
The ‘Bursa’ industrial area in Ramat-Gan has been undergoing a process of change as efforts are made to transform it into Tel aviv's business center. The change are far from being complete as the...
This unique interactive map allows you to explore and compare fields and crops in Europe and the USA.
The entrant has supplied multiple files for this work:
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Plastic waste, mostly from rivers or careless dumping on land, washes into the oceans at an average rate of about nine million tons a year. The visible trash, along with heartbreaking images of its...
President-elect Donald Trump’s plan to invest about $550 billion in new infrastructure projects across the country was a central theme in his campaign. “We’re going to rebuild our infrastructure,...
Since October 2009, health care organizations and their business partners have reported 1,364 large-scale data breaches, each affecting at least 500 people, to the U.S. Department of Health and...
China is accused of incarcerating hundreds of thousands of Muslims in detention camps that are rising from the desert sands in Xinjiang. A forensic analysis of satellite data covering 39 of these...
On the Board is a groundbreaking new initiative of The International Women's Forum (IWF) and The George Washington University School of Business (GWSB) that aims to change these numbers. On the...