Urbanisation is something that can make or break your economic growth and general welfare.The goal of this visualisation is to inform policy makers and motivate them to invest more money in...
A European Union study found “breathtaking” levels of corruption across the 28-country bloc, costing the region at least 120bn euros ($162bn) a year. The study included a survey of public...
Russian modern artists' network visualization, made for Garage Museum of Contemporary Art, summer 2015. Size 15x5 meters. Data source: Garage Museum. Tools: Gephi, Adobe Illustrator
Hub Analytics was created as a reporting tool to consolidate client data pulled from various iQmetrix retail solutions used by a client. The iQmetrix Hub is the platform interface where the client...
The annual number of new cancer cases worldwide is predicted to increase from 14 million in 2012 to almost 22 million in 2030 due to population growth and aging alone. But each country has...
The UK’s electricity generating sites and sub-sea interconnectors. Only currently operating sites of 1 megawatt (MW) capacity or larger are included. The size of the circles is proportional to site...
This infographic explores the border crisis that the US experiences in the current violent climate of South American countries, and especially the plight of unaccompanied children trying to reach...
The subject of refugees and migrants is extremely sensitive and confusing. Who, why, when and how many? Should governments dictate the amount of migrants coming into Europe and where they should...
Work inspired by a passion for complex data visualization and information design. Uses the principles of those areas and combines them with UX and UI expertise to create new digital experiences.
…and which is the noirest film of all?
These questions are answered in our infographic dedicated to the shadowy world of one of classic Hollywood’s most beloved subgenres.
Rare earth elements are a group of metals of great economic and technological significance. They possess a great number of irreplaceable properties and play a key role especially with regard to...
Inspired by the polygon aesthetic of Pasquale D’Silvia's Trianimals & Bryan James’ Species in Pieces, this visualization creates animal images programmatically (in pure code), without...
30,000 plus riders will tackle the third edition of the 100 mile closed road course through the capital and Surrey, taking in such famous sights as Big Ben, the River Thames and Richmond Park...
Yesterday New Zealand’s Minister of Finance tabled the 2015 Budget. The Budget lays out how the Government will spend $NZ88 billion dollars over the coming year.
An infographic poster exhibition (for the Night of Research) showed statistics about the PhD students who submitted their doctoral thesis at the University of Bern in 2013 in a vivid, funny and...
As part of the celebration around the World Statistics Day 2015, and following the launch of the 2015 Millennium Development Goals Report, the United Nations Statistics Division announced the...
A “unicorn” is every venture capitalist’s dream. Who wouldn’t want to be a part of funding a startup that surpasses a $1 billion pre-IPO valuation? While Aileen Lee of Cowboy Ventures coined the...
The National Park Service created models of sound level and night sky conditions for the coterminous U. S. to assess resource conditions in national parks and adjacent landscapes. These models...
This is the tenth and final Feltron Annual Report. The world of personal data has changed considerably since the project began in 2005 and this edition attempts to capture its current state. While...
This visualization presents an aesthetic and holistic way of viewing local climate patterns and the relationships between various weather parameters. Playing with the Wikipedia common...
The rates of demographic change in New Orleans reveal something surprising about the future of the place: As the large-scale return of population to the New Orleans area has tapered, pre-existing...
Data from the National UFO Reporting Center, compared against US Census Data and visualised - sightings per capita, sighting time, even trending shapes of UFOs.
Skeptics of manmade climate change offer various natural causes to explain why the Earth has warmed 1.4 degrees Fahrenheit since 1880. But can these account for the planet's rising temperature?This...
Featuring 1,000 fascinating projects, VisualComplexity.com intends to be a unified resource space for anyone interested in the visualization of complex networks. The project's main goal is to...