The Big Mac Index was invented by The Economist in 1986 as a lighthearted guide to whether currencies are at their "correct" level, based on the idea of purchasing-power parity. Since then,...
The internet and the importance of social networking in the digital age is a self-directed project which is designed to help you better understand how many people use the top Social media.
The project started with a walk of little steps through the forest of server infrastructure, big data and nuclear power stations. It continued with forming an estimate of electricity used by the...
A self initiated information graphics poster (600x800mm) titled "Country Codes". The idea came about after looking up a telephone (Subscriber Trunk Dialling) code to find out which part of the...
In the latest collaboration with Namesake, we visualized the takedown of Osama Bin Laden and his last hour on Earth. After nearly a decade, justice for 9/11 was served.
The graphic »Fly me to the moon« shows all vehicles for man to leave the earth, explore the space and reach the moon. From the first beginning to the future of spacecrafts.
This poster shows bycatch in industrial fishery. Bycatch is other fish then the once that the fisheries target and a serious problem for our seas and the species that live in it. Those numbers you...
This information graphic was shown in the annual Credit Suisse Global Wealth Report 2011. The number of wealthy people at the top of the pyramid equals about one percent of the global population....
Data visualisation in a book format with data from the UN's Human Development Report about well-being and development. I designed a collection of books, one for each of the 187 countries that are...
Every Noise at Once ( is an algorithmically-generated, audio-annotated, dynamically evolving map of the music genre space. It arrays the 700+ major music genres tracked (so far) by...
Wikipedia Worldview is a web app to project Wikipedia georeferences onto a 2d plane depending on language choices. The resulting picture of our earth can be interpreted as a worldview formed by...
The Health & Beauty team at Kantar Worldpanel have used recent LinkQ data to visualise data regarding what the nation suffers from and how it's treated.
This infographic defines the key objects which overtime have had a profound impact on the development of Retail and society. Arriving at the list of 100 objects has been an enriching experience....
As James Bond marked its 50th anniversary we wanted to find a stylish and fun way to convey some key data about the films. In order to gather our data a number of journalists volunteered to watch...
Dogs show the greatest variation of size of any domesticated species; from the smallest dog living standing at just 10.16 cm (4 in) tall to the more than 10 times bigger Zeus who's shoulder height...
Comparative analysis between the number of smokers and total population of the european union member states. The indicator is defined as the number of current tobacco smokers among the population,...
–The Better Life Snowflake' uses the data from OECD Better Life Index. This website shows data by either country of category. I wanted to simplify that data even more by using one image. To do this...
Using data provided by the Hong Kong Observatory, the graphic visualises 23 years worth of rain in Hong Kong, starting from 1990. It shows the daily average rainfall as well as any issued tropical...
Everything Oscar Wilde said or wrote was designed to be quoted. But how far has he succeeded? We used search engines, books of quotations and newspaper archives to work out which of Wilde's...
London is known as a multicultural hub, a 'melting pot' where millions of people live their day to day lives forming part of a vibrant mix of ethnic diversity. But what is the scale of this...
Project for display real time and interactive infographics, on touchscreeens positioned in various places of the city, of the data relating to air quality emitted from the chimneys of Terni...
8 Phases of The Moon is an educational infographic poster explaining what causes the different phases of the moon during the Lunar month. In addition, the graphics illustrate the difference ...
Complex technology which began with Conceptual ideas, small experiments, pilot projects and finally the entrepreneurial investment itself.
This is a self-directed project to celebrate the 30th...
Happy hour may possibly be the best hour of your entire day. A chance to unwind a little after a grueling day of work, mingle with co-workers and friends, enjoy some food, and catch a cool buzz....
We wanted to create something that captures all the drama, struggles, and highlights of the baseball season. We ended up with something that was part data visualization experiment, part...
Every day, millions of people check in on Foursquare. We took a year's worth of check-ins in London, Chicago and Istanbul and plotted them on a map. Each dot represents a single check-in, while the...