In a world of global competition, startup ecosystems and their innovators need to build their ventures based upon their core strengths. The depicted comparison of Europe and China not...
Less than 7,100 cheetahs exist in the world today. Poaching, illegal pet trade, lack of conservation, and low genetic diversity are a few factors impacting the fastest land animal's...
Toxic levels of air pollution contribute to serious health complications and premature deaths.
In the UK, the legal level of air pollution (measured by PM 2.5*) is currently 20µg/m3, with...
Visual representation of the human nervous system; specifically how a variety of nerves branch out from the spinal cord. Flowers on the ends of these branches resemble the sensation that may be...
Britain's coal free record visualisation talks about how Britain is setting new records for going coal-powered energy. It shows the daily share of power generated by burning goal.
While ozone levels in Clark County, Nevada generally fall into the good to moderate category, they occasionally reach unhealthy to very unhealthy levels between late spring and early autumn,...
This project is an interactive visualization of a scientific publication on the topic of the global oxygen budget and its future projection from Jianping Huang et al. (2018).
It shows where and...
In 2019, the International Vaccine Access Center (IVAC) at the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health selected data visualization experts Graphicacy to overhaul their flagship vaccine data...
Designed as an A4 printed giveaway graphic for delegates as well as a vehicle for presentation purposes at the COP23 Climate change meeting in Bonn. This is an update on previous graphics to...
Over 8000 satellites belonging to 70+ nations have been launched into the Earth’s orbit since the first Sputnik. We commemorate 60 years of space exploration with an interactive 3D-map of every...
A data visualisation of Common Swift nesting sites in Amsterdam and how the UK could learn lessons form protecting the Swift breeding sites to help conserve the species.
The epidemic of a new coronavirus infection occurred suddenly for the whole world. On March 11, 2020, the WHO Director-General defined the situation with the spread of a new coronavirus infection...
The Fungi Universe visualizes the fungi taxonomy in a circular dendrogram that spans from moulds to edible mushrooms. Each taxonomy level builds outward with a lighter shade of grey for subkingdom,...
BROMACKER project combines paleo research and science communication at the excavation site in the UNESCO Geopark Thuringia Inselsberg - Drei Gleichen, at the Museum für Naturkunde Berlin, at the...
In late June, Deb Roy approached me to ask if I would be interested in doing some visualization work for a presentation he’d be giving at Twitter’s all-hands event with Bridgit Mendler. The...
This infographic tells the Cassini spacecraft journey, which after 20 years has ended at the borders of the solar system.
Designed for La Repubblica Sunday cultural supplement.
Are the temperatures over the last few weeks normal? That’s the question the CBC News Climate Dashboard helps users answer by comparing the current forecast with historical data for around 500...
In collaboration with Hopelab, we designed and built the imi microsite to highlight the inclusive nature of their process and how both qualitative and quantitative inputs helped create a more...
The visualization presents monthly global temperature anomalies between the years 1880-2021. These temperatures are based on the GISS Surface Temperature Analysis (GISTEMP v4), an estimate of...
Since humans are at the top of the biological chain, the cumulative toxicity of persistent organic pollutants and other substances can be amplified many times through media such as microplastics....
The European Union Emissions Trading System (EU ETS) is one of the EU's cornerstones in its strategy for cutting emissions of manmade carbon dioxide (CO2). This visual piece explores how it works...
Unwanted Witness is a Ugandan civil society organisation on a mission - to spread the word that our right to privacy is under threat. It’s no easy task. Most people don’t realise just how much...
At any one moment in time, thousands of measurements are being taken of the world’s weather. Across land, sea and sky, data is being gathered manually and automatically using a range of...
The photographic darkroom process is the main line and the development of photographic materials is the subordinate line. By using collage, solve the mysteries of photography.
The network contains R packages that contribute heavy dependencies to their child packages. Node size correspond to the out-degree, i.e., the number of child packages. The link represents the...
A series of graphics produced to compliment the main SR15 report on the impacts of Global Warming of 1.5°C. The FAQ graphics are intended to back up the graphics in the report and make the subject...