“Discrimination Is Breaking People’s Hearts” was part of a special package of articles highlighting problems and solutions in health equity. The Scientific American editorial team quickly...
Nowadays, more and more females pay more attentions to their own body. They try different kinds of ways to lose weight, go to the gyms, try various healthy diets, even get liposuction. In response...
In June 2023 the sky over New York City turned dark red. In this graphic analysis, we show why dust clouds cover one of the largest cities in the world.
The psychological, sociological and evolutionary roots of conspecific violence in humans are still debated, despite attracting the attention of intellectuals for over two millennia. Conspecific...
Where do cosmic X-rays come from? Every new unidentified X-ray source has the potential to revolutionise our understanding of the universe. Astronomers thus aimed at automatically classifying new...
We believe that it is far more important for a student to develop statistical intuition than to be able to recite equations. We have developed a collection of 15 interactive visualizations, each of...
The society is developing better and better, and the consumption of this kind of material is getting more and more into life. This work introduces the structure and use of the headset in detail, so...
Since 2022, global reports of medication shortages have surged, affecting countries like Australia, Canada, USA, China, Japan, and Europe. Antibiotics, critical for saving lives, have been...
The visualization presents monthly global temperature anomalies between the years 1880-2021. These temperatures are based on the GISS Surface Temperature Analysis (GISTEMP v4), an estimate of...
Health insurance companies buy prescription drugs the way U.S. consumers buy cars: There’s the sticker price (which few people actually pay) and there’s the negotiated price.
The visualization shows an analysis of renewable energy supply in Italy and in the world.
Renewable energy is defined as the contribution of renewables to total primary energy supply (TPES).
On November 27, 2017, the worldundefineds first somatic cloned monkey "Zhong" was born at the Institute of Neuroscience of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, the non-human primate platform of the...
Wall Street is entering a new era. The fraternity of bond jockeys, derivatives mavens and stock pickers who've long personified the industry are giving way to algorithms, and soon, artificial...
What is a recommendation in the modern age? We explore this question with RecSys, a modern fable that examines through an every day event (a birthday party) the news ways we explore the world...
Time and time again, Meta (nee Facebook) executives have promised to “do better” when it comes to content moderation. We worked with Tech Transparency Project—an initiative of non-profit,...
The clearest visualization of bitcoin we have ever seen. After this summer’s massive Petya/NotPetya hack, Keith Collins of Quartz wanted to show what happened to the $10,000 worth of ransom...
Majestic analyses billions of URLs a day to maintain a map of how the Web links together.
This map is valuable to digital marketers - however, the process of analysing linking relationships can...
This colorful graph shows when and where the oceans' surface temperatures have seen warm and cold spells in the last 10 years. Mind you that temperature, latitude, longitude and time add up to...
Pasture and Crop was the winning entry for the first 2019 Tableau IronViz Global Feeder. The topic was agriculture, the supplied data set was the 2012 US Agricultural Census, and the contest was...
While doctors dream of one day perfecting medical treatments on digital clones of a patient, virtual organs are already being simulated in supercomputers. This documentary describes the efforts of...
The Belt And Road is not only a continuation of the ancient Silk Road, but also a new development.This design cuts in the traffic, project and trade under the big theme, interpreting The Belt And...
To create a "creative" recipe with AI, we challenged two things. 1) Finding the general theory behind ingredients' combination in food; and 2) developing an algorithm that understands cuisine style...
Enroll-HD is a clinical research platform and the world’s largest observational study for Huntington’s disease (HD). It is a resource for the entire HD community, including families, clinicians,...
The discovery of an asteroid the size of a small shipping truck mere days before it passed Earth highlighted a blind spot in our ability to predict those that could actually cause damage. Reuters...
The Zero-Emission Technology Inventory (ZETI) tool is an interactive online resource that establishes a current and shared knowledge base for worldwide commercially available offerings of...
Every day, 91 people overdose on opioids in the United States. Opioid addiction has become an epidemic. Why is it such a big problem? And what can we do to help?
In this animation, a...
In China today, people pay more and more attention to their health problems, while medical information is often too dense and complex for most people to understand. In view of this, we examined...
A Thought Thesaurus artwork is the visualisation of the structure of matter and how the motion within a molecular structure creates the forms we see. Feeling the energy and spin of all things...