This infographic is the product of a graphic communications class I took last spring. I chose forest bathing as my research topic because I had read about it previously and found it to be a super...
Britain's coal free record visualisation talks about how Britain is setting new records for going coal-powered energy. It shows the daily share of power generated by burning goal.
Imagine if policy makers and interventionalists had the ability to access and explore aggregate health information from across geographic regions at their fingertips. The Population Health OutcomEs...
In October 2021, the French Agency for Ecological Transition (ADEME) published a report highlighting the huge impact of noise on people’s health in France. According to the report, noise in France...
Trends in sea ice thickness/volume are an important indicator of Arctic climate change. While sea ice thickness observations are sparse, here we utilize the ocean and sea ice model, PIOMAS (Zhang...
Lab24, the visual area of Il Sole 24 Ore, has published “La Guerra dei chip”, a longform that explains why semiconductors are the most valuable and disputed piece of technology today, with analysis...
The scientists at the Amboseli Trust for Elephant have studied the same population of elephants since 1972. They know most individuals by name, as well as their genealogy.
We built this...
The submitted artwork summarizes in visual illustrations five animated trend infographics for Siemens Healthcare. Each infographic by itself represents a trend island in the healthcare industry,...
The overall aim of the SENSES Toolkit — available under — is to make climate change scenarios more understandable, accessible, and usable.
Climate change scenarios are a...
9/11 came as a gift to NSA, giving them more power and freedom to have mass surveillances illegally. And not just through eavesdropping on our phones, they’ve found a new weapon to invade our...
According to "How Stuff Works", the Internet of Things, or IoT, “consists of all the web-enabled devices that collect, send, and act on data they acquire from their surrounding environments using...
About 30% of UK jobs will be potentially threatened in the coming years by innovations in the field of artificial intelligence (AI). Lower than that of the United States and Germany, respectively...
As a key figure in the IPCC Synthesis Report, Figure SPM1, panel c, captured global media attention and inspired many related visualizations. Figure SPM1c breaks new ground for IPCC as it ties...
The International Space Station (ISS) is one of the greatest endeavours ever undertaken by the human race, representing the peak of scientific ingenuity and global cooperation.
This data...
This infographic is about the long trail of death and destruction that “category 5” hurricanes leave every year on their path across the United States and the conterminous seas.
The visualization...
This short data essay merges personal data with scientific research about sleep. The visualizations reflect on my sleep patterns during the final semester of (remote) university in comparison to...
Over a century before the mis-marketing of OxyContin dominated news outlets, the nation faced its first widespread opioid epidemic. The emergence, exploitation, and eruption of both epidemics...
This graphic tells a small story about bicycle ridership in Seattle. It does so with a line chart, a sunburst, and a novel chart type: table cartograms (TGRAM) in a treemap. The TGRAM encodes...
The fingerprint is a hyperdense visual representation of the structural composition of a jupyter notebook article published in the Journal of Digital History. It functions both as an overview of...
How do we begin to evaluate the impact of autonomous vehicles and shared mobility services on congestion? How do we embrace the uncertainty surrounding these new mobility technologies?
The theme of the work is the development of ethnic minorities in the area of China, which are divided into three chapters, transportation, energy and industry. In the form of illustration, graphics...
Happiness is a deeply personal experience, yet everyone pursues happiness. Growing up in Beijing and living across the globe sparked my curiosity about the ways different cultures perceive and live...
Research on creativity has shown that people tend to produce their most important works when they are young. This is true for scientists too. But a new study finds that this is simply because...
This data visualization analyzes the results of the largest to date veterinary study on a deadly cat virus called Feline Infectious Peritonitis (FIP) and the effects of a potentially curing...
An Infographic related to safety tips around mobile phone usage, with handy information pieces in three parts. The first part is dedicated to 10 short tips, such as: ‘What safety conditions do i...
The airless chasm between Earth and the moon is so vast, stretching an average of 239,200 miles wide, that it'd take a 747 jet airplane flying at top speed more than 14 days to arrive. Even...