In 2010 New York City added 54 million metric tons of carbon dioxide to the atmosphere, but that number means little to most people because few of us have a sense of scale for atmospheric...
This animation distills hundreds of years of culture into just five minutes. A team of historians and scientists wanted to map cultural mobility, so they tracked the births and deaths of notable...
PR agency Bell Pottinger commissioned Fred & Eric to design and animate an internal communication film for their client, Maersk. Bringing the company values to life using Fred & Eric's...
In our globalizing world, food is increasingly difficult to track. Knowing where our food comes from is important, since it can carry harmful pathogens. Visualizing data from the World Health...
JWT's AnxietyIndex is intended to help brands navigate consumer anxiety. In times of heightened consumer anxiety, brands need data about the levels, intensity and drivers of consumer stress that...
Everyone knows that American politics has become more polarised over the past quarter-century. In this motion infographic, the effect is shown visually—with troves of data, statistics and...
The theory of evolution explains how the enormous variety of life could come into existence. How it is possible for primitive life forms to spawn the millions of different creatures, that exist...
On the Board is a groundbreaking new initiative of The International Women's Forum (IWF) and The George Washington University School of Business (GWSB) that aims to change these numbers. On the...
One of the world's most dangerous hot-spots are the seas in Asia where China, Japan and Korea make overlapping claims of sovereignty. Static maps never did a good job to explain the territorial...
Created for a 2013 Social Media Week presentation, “Going Private in Public” outlines key findings from the JWTIntelligence trend of the same name, using an up-tempo soundtrack, clean and bold...
This civic technology project visualizes taxi trip data from 2013, showing the activities of a single taxi on a single day. The original data include ~170 Million trips. Of these, 30 cab/days were...
We wanted to see if we could visualize the so-called ocean garbage patches. We start with data from floating, scientific buoys that NOAA has been distributing in the oceans for the last 35-years,...
The „DB 2020“ film sets out Deutsche Bahn's longterm strategy of the same name. An easy to understand animation explains to DB's staff all the innovations that come with the strategy in the...
Corruption is a problem worldwide, but how bad is it? And what can be done? Transparency International's Corruption Perceptions Index seeks to help answer these questions.
Every year, millions of people move abroad to boost their earning potential or to find a better way of life.
This video animates the key findings from - the...
The Economist's defense correspondent in 2013 revealed to the world how close Iran was to building a nuclear bomb. But it took a 3-page article to explain. So our graphics editor intricately...
Many of the defining forces of our time — the rise of the digital age, the globalization of the economy, the decline of American competitiveness — can be understood through one simple thing: a...
With the Commonwealth Games coming to Glasgow at a critical time in Scotland’s history, BBC News decided to preview the Games so viewers could get an insight into the excitement that was to come....
The United States Electoral College is the institution that officially elects the President and Vice President of the United Sates every four years.
This political map looks very different from the...
The BBC commissioned TellyJuice to create a short explainer film about week by week Pregnancy, in a clear and concise yet informative style. The film needed to cover fertilisation through to the...
Fracking is a controversial topic. On the one side the gas drilling companies, on the other citizen opposed to this drilling method. Politicians are also divided on the matter. We try to take a...
Planet Earth is this solid thing you are standing on right now. In your everyday life you don't really waste a thought about how amazing this is. A giant, ancient, hot rock. How did it come...
The project is an animation that illustrates a research where scientists have been able to create a very accurate estimate of the total number of trees in the world. This animation illustrates the...
FOMO, or the fear of missing out, is the uneasy and sometimes all-consuming feeling that you're missing out—that your peers are doing, in the know about or in possession of more or something...
The animation provides communication support to convey the work and task areas of the globally operating International Council of Chemical Associations ICCA. The idea for the animation is based on...
Every second of your life you are under attack. Bacteria, viruses, spores and more living stuff wants to enter your body and use its resources for itself. The immune system is a powerful army...