The latest presidential race in the Czech Republic was hugely polarized. This infographic is to show exactly that - from one extreme to the other with all 6000+ municipalities between.
The devastating Wenchuan Earthquake shocked the world on May 12, 2008. Over 69,000 people lost their lives in the quake, and it has become the most painful memory for many since then. Near the 10th...
Our submission visualizes a recent estimate by the Population Reference Bureau of the staggering number of people who have ever been born. Even though ‘modern’ humans have been around for at least...
North Korea is never far from the media spotlight, as the rogue state’s nuclear weapons programme gathers momentum and its war of words with the United States threatens to spiral out of...
The Atlas of Economic Complexity is a powerful research and data visualization tool that allows people to explore global trade flows across markets, track these dynamics over time and discover new...
A data story that leverages video, quotes, and an array of data visualizations to share what it's like to be one of the roughly 25 million shiftworkers in the U.S. - that is, individuals who from...
Malaysia Airlines Flight 370 was a scheduled international passenger flight that disappeared on 8 March 2014 while flying from Kuala Lumpur to Beijing. It last made voice contact less than an hour...
As Marijuana becomes more legalized and accepted within the global community, and as e-cigarettes such as Juuling are on a rapid rise, it is worth the time to make a closer examination at how these...
New research shows that Supreme Court justices are more likely to vote in line with their ideology when casting a pivotal vote. The findings raise serious questions about the neutrality of the...
With sky-high consumer confidence, historically low unemployment and a growing economy, retail should be booming. Yet more chains are filing for bankruptcy and rated distressed than during the...
United States of Arms visualizes U.S. major weapons exports from 1950 through 2017. The underlying data comes from the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute's Arms Transfers Database, a...
An interactive network map about the main political ideologies and their related economic and social doctrines.
Each ideology is linked to some specific octrines about economy, socaility, work and...
183,947 is the number of terrorist attacks on earth since 1980, the year that John Lennon was murdered.
Dear Dreamers,
I have included the film rolls that I took from the 183,947...
Vi(c)e organique offers a pathway for discovering the informal networks of influence that developed, starting in 2013, from consultations aimed at defining European environmental objectives for...
Emmanuel Macron's new political party 'En Marche' changed everything in the french political landscape ; the classic left/right division is no more, as the two historic left and right parties faced...
The topic of migration in Italy is often simplified for electoral purposes and is often the subject of fake news. Through maps, numbers and infographics, we have tried to reverse this trend. With a...
The extent to which guns from states that are better for gun owners are used in crimes in states less friendly to gun owners is a topic of much study. We explore the same question visually using...