The topic of migration in Italy is often simplified for electoral purposes and is often the subject of fake news. Through maps, numbers and infographics, we have tried to reverse this trend. With a...
An interactive network map about the main political ideologies and their related economic and social doctrines.
Each ideology is linked to some specific octrines about economy, socaility, work and...
An onion shortage crisis occurred in India in 2010. There were large outbursts and nearly toppled the ruling government. This is a piece attempting to deduce the reason for the crisis.
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There is not yet a standard definition of the term mass shooting, however this is a daily issue in the US, since the list of mass shootings keeps getting longer. "He was always nice" lets the...
As Democrats push to win back state legislatures in November, a Reuters analysis of election data found the party faces tough odds in the places most crucial to its future.
Attitudes towards religions are commonly reported on, but rarely in a way that allows relative comparisons. As such, we conducted research among the US adult (18+) population (N=1150), asking them...
The Bureau of Labor Statistics’ monthly jobs report is an important measure of our economy’s health. But much of the news coverage overestimates the importance of early numbers that are subject to...
This explainer-piece breaks down for an international audience why the US-midterms are important, how they function and what has been the party-wise trends over the years. Also, it looks at related...
South America urges for more conservative governments. What showed first in Argentina and Brazil has been spreading across the continent. As political parties usually play a minor role in this...
The problem of racial discrimination has been a social problem in different countries. The unfair treatment of African and Caribbean Americans in the United States is one of the topics that has...
“Art of the March” is an online archive and visualization of 6000 protest signs collected after the Boston Women’s March on Jan 21, 2017. As the largest collection of contemporary protest signs...
Water is a bare necessity to us humans, and with the population explosion and rampant industrialization all around the world, we stare down the imminent Day Zero. Water, as we know it, will no...
With the continuous development of the high-speed railway in China, it is divided into eight vertical and eight horizontal lines. We choose one of the horizontal "shanghai-kunming railway" and...
A Reuters analysis shows Republicans now control more legislatures than at any point since at least 1900 and more governorships than the party has held since 1922. Here's a look at control by party...
As Marijuana becomes more legalized and accepted within the global community, and as e-cigarettes such as Juuling are on a rapid rise, it is worth the time to make a closer examination at how these...
The extent to which guns from states that are better for gun owners are used in crimes in states less friendly to gun owners is a topic of much study. We explore the same question visually using...
Malaysia Airlines Flight 370 was a scheduled international passenger flight that disappeared on 8 March 2014 while flying from Kuala Lumpur to Beijing. It last made voice contact less than an hour...
The latest presidential race in the Czech Republic was hugely polarized. This infographic is to show exactly that - from one extreme to the other with all 6000+ municipalities between.
Prices and Earnings is an interactive report visualizing and analyzing data about the purchasing power of different professions for standardized baskets of goods. The data covers 77 cities around...
Vi(c)e organique offers a pathway for discovering the informal networks of influence that developed, starting in 2013, from consultations aimed at defining European environmental objectives for...
183,947 is the number of terrorist attacks on earth since 1980, the year that John Lennon was murdered.
Dear Dreamers,
I have included the film rolls that I took from the 183,947...
Donald Says is a press review for Donald Trump related news. This website analyzes 40+ U.S. news feeds and delivers an overview for up-to-date news trends. It shows the frequency of new articles,...