My visualization is showing survey results for the MyWorld survey looking at people’s perception on the successful (or not) achievement of sustainable development goals. As a part of the UN SDG...
Trafficking of girls for sexual exploitation from Nigeria to Europe is one of the most difficult streams to fight. Italy is among the main destinations for this business. The phenomenon, however,...
'Mayu' has been our first project for 'Viz for Social Good'. We were challenged to spread awareness about the global water crisis and the work done by ‘Vera Aqua Vera Vita’ (VAVV). VAVV is a...
This is an illustrated explanation of the deportation and forced transfer of Ukrainian citizens to Russia by Russian forces.
Karina Zaiets, herself displaced from Ukraine, and the USA TODAY...
Modern slavery is the severe exploitation of other people for personal or commercial gain.
Modern slavery is all around us but often just out of sight. People can become entrapped making our...
Article 19’s Expression Agenda metric reveals the state of freedom of expression internationally. The metric examines 350 aspects of democracy in 172 countries to provide an analysis that captures...
360Giving has launched a visualization challenge to answer questions to help funders to maximize their impact on the charitable causes they support. Such questions intend to give a better...
‘Visualizing Yemen's Invisible War’ is a multimedia special feature that explores the horrific consequences of US support for the Saudi-led intervention in Yemen, using first-hand accounts from...
The UN is promoting the compilation of a global database in order to know countries achievements towards a more sustainable sea. ‘Life Below Water’ is the 14th goal of Sustainable development for...
Visualizing AidData's publicly released dataset of country-to-country development finance activities (includes ODA, OOF flows, Equity Investments, and Export Credits) from 1973 to 2013.
The effectiveness of development aid is still under debate. Yet, from 1947 to 2013, a total of 1.5 millions of dollars for foreign aid has flown from one country to another. This interactive...
"Our highest assurance of the goodness of Providence seems to me to rest in the flowers. All other things, our powers, our desires, our food, are all really necessary for our existence in the first...
Data on deaths from road accidents in different European countries are encrypted here in the form of an ornate plant motif - to drag the attention to Vision Zero program of the road safety.
Together with non-profit organization we wanted to change the positioning of blood donation, to remove fears and concerns before the procedure. Thereby increase the number of regular donors.
We worked in partnership with Italy–based NGO EMERGENCY to bring to life Afghanistan20: a historical document that utilizes imagery, journalism, and data visualization to portray with empathy the...
A data visualization based on a study done by N26, the world’s first digital bank, titled The Female Opportunity Index 2021, which analyzed gender equality in 100 countries, looking at advancements...
Exodus is an Information-visualization that attempts to uncover the causalities behind the movement of refugees who have migrated from their homes to new lands, from the top 11 countries with a...
A stylized tile grid map of Europe to viusalize the share and amount of renewable energy (main visualization) and the amount of renewable, nuclear and conventional thermal energy (small...
A circular visualization compares the food carbon footprint index for the year 2018 per continent and for all 130 countries listed.
The food carbon footrpint, provided by nu3, is estimated for...
Information can be beautiful... why not stunningly beautiful? I wanted to mesmerise and captivate hearts as well as minds, inviting people to watch and interact and uncover - and trying to breathe...
The experiences of female sex workers are widely misrepresented and misunderstood. This three-part series invites viewers to consider the experiences of these women including, 1) Risk factors that...
In February we released a project Our World in Data had been working on:, the first (and only, to date) resource where you can track our progress towards the United Nations...
The 2022-23 drought in the Horn of Africa has caused devastating, irreversible damage to families and communities, as well as the urban centres and natural ecosystems that are meant to support...
The project “Wall of Silence” reflects on the systemic conditions that allowed for the sexual abuse of 265 young gymnasts at the hands of their physician, Larry Nassar. While media coverage has...
Reuters obtained and analyzed ten year’s worth of data on drugs seized by U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) agents at ports of entry along the southern border. The dataset provides more...
Up to 79,000 Mexican migrants has been deported from the US back to Mexico. This view shows each record graphically to gain a better understanding of the data. Who they are, born city, skills,...
A visual story of POMPEII’s tragic disaster which followed by an unusual data visualizations and analysis of severe natural disasters that happened during the recent history, since 1900. It's a...
The so-called refugee crisis puts the EU to the test and gives an impetus to extreme political currents. But how many refugees are we talking about? Where do they come from?
We elaborated a...
The World Press Freedom Index Visualization is designed to illustrate the global rankings of countries and regions based on indicators reflecting the level of press freedom. Press freedom...