Exploration of the shape of hashtag conversations at Tableau's 2017 conference. The sonar chart type of each hashtag shows how the conversation evolved in each hour that someone tweeted about it,...
Luna Land is a theme park in California. This corporate report was designed to encourage interest and take the reader on a journey using illustrated characters which reflect the spirit of the park...
This work draws on data from an Oxford University study, ‘The Future of Employment: How Susceptible are Jobs to Computerisation’, which categorises U.S. occupations according to their...
This data art piece conveys the intricacies of a year’s worth of flights performed by Transavia, a Dutch airline. Each flight is turned into an abstract shape whose appearance is completely...
In an era of rapidly changing cities and demographics, The Post wanted to measure the changes in race and ethnicity since the 1990s. To explore these national changes, we analyzed census data...
Do you remember playing with the coins of your parents and the journeys they spoke of? Now you have the chance to do the same thing again, but this time with a lot more coins belonging to one of...
This interactive essay explores the 175-year performance history (as of 2017) of the New York Philharmonic, and takes a look at how some aspects of performances at the Phil have changed through the...
Guardian Australia’s Deaths inside investigation revealed serious systemic failings in Australia's justice system, and prompted widespread calls for action from all sides of politics.
Visual representation of the human nervous system; specifically how a variety of nerves branch out from the spinal cord. Flowers on the ends of these branches resemble the sensation that may be...
This comic wants to make visible the exodus of Zainab and her family who, like another 11 million people, have been forced to leave their home since the war in Syria began in 2011.
As Avengers assemble with characters from all corners of the Marvel universe, this graphic will tell you who fights whom, who has a hellish sister, and more.
On the ten year anniversary of the collapse of Lehman Brothers, how do we visualise financial markets contagion? It may seem an abstract question but abstract financial ideas cratered the world...
Individual event medal data from the previous five Commonwealth Games is presented in radial form and shows how individual countries regularly achieve success at specific sports.
The problem of racial discrimination has been a social problem in different countries. The unfair treatment of African and Caribbean Americans in the United States is one of the topics that has...
Subjective visualization about growth and developpement of the (at this time) most populated country in the world.
From far away, as appealing as a visual poster.
But Closer, subtile visualised...
This diagram blends content from Neville Shute's post-apocalyptic novel On The Beach (1957) with data about nuclear weapons testing conducted on Australian territory in the 5 years preceding the...
On June 23rd, a group of 12 boys from a local soccer team, and their coach, went missing in a cave complex in northern Thailand. The entire world followed their rescue.
Asked to present the historic event in a given folding format, I chose to move away from the stories and give light to the vast scope and numbers of disappearance during the military dictatorship...
Climate change is a complex global issue, requiring simple communication about its effects at the local scale. This set of visualisations highlight how we have witnessed temperatures change across...
FGV (The Latin American Think Tank) studied the migratory scenarios experienced by the United States, Canada, Australia, and Germany and calculated how scenarios similar to those would impact...
This infographic tells the Cassini spacecraft journey, which after 20 years has ended at the borders of the solar system.
Designed for La Repubblica Sunday cultural supplement.
In February we released a project Our World in Data had been working on: SDG-Tracker.org, the first (and only, to date) resource where you can track our progress towards the United Nations...
The project shows a data vizualisation of all curse words and deaths used in recent Quentin Tarantino's movies, from Reservoir Dogs to Django Unchained. They are listed according to the time of the...
For a magazine of the «Allgemeine Baugenossenschaft Zürich» we visualized how energy consumption of 53 co-operative housing areas has changed between 2014 and 2017. The visualization provides...