This project visualizes the boat traffic in Amsterdam's canals, with actual data. It explores the different types of vessels in the water and their speeds, and watch the traffic ebb and flow as the...
I visualized the movement of the buses running in NYC in the morning on February 12, 2019. The bus records are gathered from the MTA website. Each line shows a movement of a bus between one record...
Ever wondered what makes different countries similar? We've explored that question through the lens of machine learning and created an interactive data-driven map where countries are organized by...
The Minimum Fleet Network model proposes efficient vehicle-trip assignments that reduce the empty time between trips with a passenger onboard. This way, a taxi can serve more passengers in the same...
When a train starts running from one station to the next station, conceptually, these two stations will temporarily be closer to each other. And that is exactly what this visualization shows:...
Every year Russia produces 70 million tons of waste, a tenth of which comes from Moscow. Garbage settles in landfills. RBC observed as landfills grew around the capital.
23 landfills around...
Using Tableau and Mapbox to map 100 years of Platypus sightings in Tasmania. This map highlights where further areas of protection are needed to help protect this wonderful species.
XXXY City (Triple X, Y City) is a data visualization project analyzing the difference between women and men in New York City on seven factors – education, occupation, income, age, sex...
This is a visual information map of the tour around Yellowstone Park. A tour route was drawn up in the information map, including nine recommended sites. How far are they? What are the recommended...
Follow the Brick Road is an engaging look at the roads of Cincinnati, which ultimately focuses on the brick roads of the historic district, an area that was once rated at the most dangerous...
The map and chronology of Chinese history take the map and chronology of Chinese history as the main information chart. We mark the major historical events and times of relevant geographical...
The interactive digital special project "Mercator. It’s a Flat, Flat World" tells the story of a famous map, published in 1569 by the Flemish cartographer Gerardus Mercator. We describe the...
Getting a bird’s eye view of them and following the individual paths as they weave through what might resemble spaghetti, some sort of flower or a bow-tie. It’s a beauty that cannot be...
The seas cover 71% of the Earth and are home to the vast majority of living things on the planet. Water temperatures are rising.
In a five part series, Reuters looks at the implications of the...
Any visualization is a Rorschach test with each viewer seeing something different. Although the era of geographic discoveries is long gone, each of us can still become an explorer via automatically...
Citygraph is a chart to visualize and analyze urban structure. It is a based on 3D model of a city. All buildings have exaggerated heights and shifted on map to a 10-kilometer zone
(to reduce...
Sea-level rise poses a global threat to coastal species around the world, as critical habitat is steadily consumed and fragmented by rising waters. This threat is particularly stark in the case of...
Nigeria’s dry season is tinderbox for farming land. If current patterns persist, violence is likely to erupt between farmers and cattle herders. One in search of water, the other in keeping their...
What if Earth’s terrain was created by nighttime lights? This 3D web mapping experiment sheds some light on the question with a complete resculpting of our planet's surface.
Human light...
This deeply researched piece debunks the popular myth of the Northern route becoming a global shipping artery through the Arctic. Detailed shipping, bathymetric and ice coverage data, presented in...
Visualization attempts to address the most common threat for local residents in Nepal - landslide collapsing over the road network. There are many technical solutions that could protect the road...
This unique interactive map allows you to explore and compare fields and crops in Europe and the USA.
The entrant has supplied multiple files for this work:
[1] [2]
Due to the rainy season and the geography of Marikina City, it was considered to be one of the most devastated areas during Typhoon Ketsana back in September 2009. We created a data story on the...
How Europe moves shows labour migration flows within Europe.
In 2017 almost 13 million European citizens of working age were living in a European country other than their country of...
A digital PR campaign for Together Money. With three in four Brits saying it’s important to support shops on their local high street, but a worrying economic climate leading to national brands...
The map associates the prevalence of diabetes in London neighborhoods with the diversity of nutrients of 1.6B grocery purchases. In terms of diabetes prevalence, socio-economic conditions matter...
President Trump’s business entanglements continue to leave him with positions, assets, trademarks and other business interests in more than 30 countries. We mapped them out using data from personal...
Created using Tableau and Mapbox, this visualisation shows the significant volcanic eruptions over time and the population that could be threatened by a future volcanic explosion, in what is one of...
Our OS Maps users created over 300,000 public routes across Great Britain in 2018 (covering some 2,950,000 miles…) and we were curious to see where you most (and least) enjoy exploring.