Data Soap is a personal documentary project presenting individuals’ household water stories with data and emotion. It allows the audience to glimpse people’s lives. The data is transformed into an...
Ruas do Género: Exploring Gender Representation in Urban Toponymy
"Ruas do Género" is a visual essay that explores the issue of gender representation in the street names of Porto, Portugal. How...
They are the foundation of life on Earth, providing food, medicine, building materials and clean air but across the world, plant species are disappearing fast.
The world contains around 423,000...
Since the nuclear accident caused by a powerful earthquake in 2011, Japan has been storing a huge amount of contaminated wastewater in the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant. Now that it almost...
The digital realm and the physical world are not entirely separate; they communicate, reflect, and engage in debate with each other. Considering this relationship, the following question arises:...
A cotton data visualization showing a change in the ranking of cotton lint producers in a decade. Made using threads, needle and a cloth. The red threads denote a decline in the rank and the black...
The Köppen classification identifies thirty unique Earth zones based on climate. Currently, Africa contains twenty of these zones. With global warming, temperate areas diminish and less livable...
Unveil MIT's cupboard usage insights! My project deciphers trends in MIT's varied areas – academic, maker spaces, dining, admin, and sports. Visualize data to optimize usage, allocate smartly, and...
Environmentalists have warned for decades that Mekong River dams were threatening the natural flow of sediment – a centuries-old system delivering nutrient-rich mud down the 5,000-km waterway to...
Climate Change in Data is a layered digital narrative that uses the power of words, visuals, and videos to guide readers through the key findings of one of the most significant IPCC climate reports...
Investigating digital inequalities in L'Hospitalet de Llobregat through storytelling, interactive data visualizations, and 5 fictional characters representing at-risk individuals.
The blossoming of cherry blossoms, often seen as a sign of spring, is also the witness to global warming. Decades of global warming brought not only visible changes like melting glaciers to Earth...
The Flood necklace is a data sculpture made of ceramics, with clay from the Loire River valley. It embeds the water heights of all registered floods in the city of Orléans (France) since 1800. This...
“World Heritage in Danger 2023” is an information design and data visualization project with an aim to raise awareness of decaying beauty in our world with a skeptical overtone.
The data...
This data visualization explores the main milestones in the quest to summit the tallest mountain in the world, Mount Everest.
Over the decades this pursuit has become synonymous with our...
The visualization was made for the TidyTuesday weekly challenge. I experimented with different kind of maps and charts. I ended up using points on a spiral, which reminds of a tornado and shows the...
Transit isochrone maps are incredibly pretty and tell us lots of things about the cities we live in. They show the area that is reachable within X minutes from an origin. I decided to animate...
A map of Senja, Lofoten & Vesterålen with touches of personal data to remember the five months I traveled through Norway in 2022 with my partner. I loved the whole country, but these locations...
According to the article "The Lifecycle of Plastics" by WWF Australia, a disposable baby diaper takes 500 years to completely decompose on Earth. When I first came across this new knowledge, I was...
The ocean has a strong influence on Earth's weather and climate, affecting our daily weather and shaping long-term climate changes. In the realm of scientific studies, acquiring the...
Through this visualization, we present a distinct perspective on the evolving landscape of space launches across different eras. The visualizations illustrate countries' advancements in launching...
Trading the Fragile: An Insight into the CITES and IUCN databases is a data-driven project aiming to shed light on the work of these two organizations. By highlighting the most traded species...
the placement of cctv cameras in the college campus and how many cases are solved through it. Data of solved, unsolved and total cases as well as the types of camera used in the campus and their...
Climate change has had catastrophic effects on California’s forests, but the proposed solutions to protect them have ignored certain voices. This infographic shows how rising temperatures have...
Many of humanity’s most challenging issues are shaped by cross-border forces. To address, and report on, these issues, collaboration is critical. That is why the University of Miami and Universidad...
Australia is home to an incredibly diverse range of native plant species, many of which are found nowhere else in the world due to the continent's isolation and unique ecosystems.
The exact...