Op-e-nion: A highly customizable visualization tool to analyse public opinion. by Luz Calvo - UPF (Universitat Pompeu Fabra)

Service design methodologies can support the design of ad hoc visualisation tools focused on user needs. We present a case study co-development of a visualisation tool for the analysis of public opinion regarding environmental issues, addressed to administrations and public institutions. The involvement of experts from different fields allowed the identification of the main metrics necessary to target the least engaged socio-demographic groups as well as the barriers that limited their environmental actions. Important aspects for the visualisation of multi-categorical data included simplifying the interaction with the tool while prioritising relevant information, and using highly customizable visualisations to answer specific user requirements (i.e. analytical vs. managerial tasks) and changing needs. Improved visualisations of public opinion data will, in turn, better support the development of policies shaped by citizens’ needs.
