I've always loved reading and learning about languages. So naturally, I love to make data visualisations about languages as well! I'm also a geek, and since I've been curious about how different...
As our access to fresh water becomes threatened and the demand for virtual water is increasing, the need for understanding and knowing our virtual water footprint is essential. This series of...
Information and Violence is an interactive data visualization showing a timeline of major U.S. news headlines along with monthly gun sales and homicides counts from 2016 to 2021. Since 2016, the...
2020 News
Was All So Bad, But Maybe
Less Bad as Haikus?
Prompting and visualizing 2,700 gloomy haikus about news events from 2020 (from ~2,000 authors on Mechanical Turk), forever...
This was a data-driven story created in collaboration with Birdlife International and the Spoon-billed Sandpiper Task Force. It portrays how the conservation of migratory birds, which travel...
A representation of James Weldon Johnson's poem "Lift Every Voice and Sing", also known as the "Negro National Anthem" in the form of the American Flag
A data-driven portrait of UAE’s milestones, population, and GDP over 50 years.
Data is powerful. When used correctly, it can tell an even more powerful story. Using 379 data points i.e. 50 years...
As COVID-19 began to spread in the U.S. in March 2020, Trump administration officials estimated 100,000 to 200,000 Americans might die. A worst-case scenario, they said, meant between 1.6 million...
The challenge with "Environment in East Germany" was to present a heavy topic like environmental pollution in an interesting and light way without neglecting the seriousness of the issue. In an...
This story explains what people worldwide have been feeling in 2021, based on Gallup’s World Happiness Report. In addition, it also lets people compare with others and explore further.
I used a...
This visualization shows the incredible patterns created by the relative orbital positions of different pairs of planets in our solar system. Each section represents a different pairing and the...
Explore the Marvel Cinematic Universe like never before!
Each main character and actor is connected to the movies they appear in, allowing you to see the connections between your favorite Marvel...
Explorer of the top-rated games on boardgamegeek.com. My two main motivations were: (1) create separate leaderboards for games of different complexity (because the Top 100 page on BGG is dominated...
Back in December 2020 the death of 300,000 Americans was already a staggering, incomprehensible loss. Little did we know then that the virus would take the loves of over six and a half million...
This 4 in 1 journalism, designed in 2020 and launched in 2021, reflects the severe situation of global plastic pollution in the past 10 years since 2010 and gives its prediction by 2025 based on...
My son was born during the pandemic. We spent a lot of time visiting parks and being outside in nature. In the past year he's gained a huge appreciation for the environment and he loves to gather...
Winemakers are some of the most seasoned climate scientists in the world. Agricultural techniques required for harvesting grapes accumulated over decades (sometimes centuries), coupled with precise...
About the visualisation:
We have heard about the billionaire space, the rivalry among entrepreneurs who have entered the space industry. This visualisation focuses on SpaceX and Blue origin to...
A digital version of the FAQ section of the Climate Change 2021: The Physical Science Basis Repot. Published by the IPCC as part of its climate report 2021.
I was commissioned to produce graphics...
Weather is a topic that often comes up in casual conversation, and in an international world of many backgrounds, I have been increasingly interested in the weather and length of the day, which is...
A data-driven investigation into the politicization and perception of crime in New York City. Although violent incidents are up since the pandemic began, crime is at decades-lows. Media coverage...
The pandemic has affected so many aspects of our lives, amplifying disparities and challenges that already existed. For far too many households simply having access to enough food to eat is a daily...
Often, road names have common suffixes or prefixes. The map illustrates the occurrence of popular road name types encoded by color.
The resulting colorful network reveals some interesting...
This is the project I lead at IPG Health to showcase one big pharmaceutical brand and how their media and website data is in a three-month data frame. The process started with data collection from...
Mariupol is one of the worst sites of the Russian war of aggression. A documentation of the siege in chat histories, satellite images, maps and videos.
I teach digital studies at Davidson College, and for the past several years, I've assigned my students prompts that build off of Stefanie Posavec and Giorgia Lupi's Dear Data project. By following...
We followed the efforts of volunteers and human rights workers to document the destruction of treasured Ukrainian buildings.
We took point cloud data (gigabytes worth of material and billions of...
Communicating complex information in a simple and enjoyable way is an art in and of itself. A few months ago, I decided to create my first data visualization and, after working so hard, with such...
New variants of SARS-CoV-2 are rapidly spreading through the U.S. These coronavirus variants are being studied because they may be more transmissible, cause more severe disease, or reduce the...