Where does the UK government get its money? How much does it then spend? And on what?
Here you can review spending in your abstract metric of choice: billions, percentage of budget, or amount...
Visual narrative in video developed for the World Editors Forum congress in July 2016 in Cartagena. Design and animation were signed by Datadot and the visual narrative was idealized by Ricardo...
If it felt like you were on an emotional rollercoaster during this past Presidential election, just look at what was happening to Donald Trump. As shown in ten of the major speeches he gave from...
Animated timeline about the 44 American presidents: a visual storytelling of 228 years of history, powered by SVG and Javascript. For each president there is some information about their biography...
This data visualisation is part of my project which is an awareness campaign on the environmental effects of food consumption, especially beef, which is one of the most inefficient forms of food....
President Trump’s first real test on the ballot will come 20 months from now, when Republicans face voters at the midterm elections. But those Republicans have decisions to make today about whether...
People love inventions. TV shows like Shark Tank and Make Me a Millionaire are pulling in a crazy number of viewers each night based on content around inventions. MidAmerica Nazarene University has...
This visualization explores the history of American leadership, displaying a timeline of every past president and charting their lives from birth, through education, career and presidency.
The New Zealand Government runs an annual benchmarking survey across 25 Government agencies in order to gather information on the cost, efficiency, and effectiveness of ICT delivered by those...
The German federal election takes place this September. For the first time since the 1950s, a party to the right of the CDU/CSU is on track to enter the German parliament: the right-wing populist...
Who would the rest of the world vote for? A data-driven digital experience visualizing “soft” and “human” data to discover the world’s interest in the 2016 US presidential candidates.
By looking...
In 2007, the Kushners bought a flagship Manhattan tower at 666 Fifth Ave. for a record $1.8 billion — mostly with debt. An investigation into their finances reveal a real estate company overwhelmed...
2016 was a stormy year for the real estate market. First of all, the sale amount of China's real estate reached 10.25 trillion yuan. Second, 22 cities in China took turns to restrict the purchase...
Over eight months into the Mosul offensive, Islamic State militants have been dislodged from all of the city. The fall of Mosul marks the end of the Iraqi half of Islamic State’s self-styled...
Based on data from The Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development, this visualization examines the number of hours worked by women on average per week. The story originally appeared in...
When Donald Trump took office on January 20th, 2017, he was already known for his tweeting — Slate even called him the best. Known for his strong interjections and his 140-character feuds with...
Congress and U.S. intelligence agencies are scrutinizing connections between Russia and the Trump campaign as they investigate evidence that Russia interfered in the 2016 election. Here are members...
The inaugural address contains the first words uttered by a new president. It is an untarnished moment during which the American leader can set the presidential tone, inspire a country, put an...
Infographic showing the order of succession in the royal family of Saudi Arabia since Ibn Saud, founder of the country in 1932.
The complexity of the royal family of Saudi Arabia was a challenge....
Data from a civil rights group shows that reports of hate incidents involving American mosques jumped sharply in 2015 and has remained at the same rate since — about once every three days.
In most states in the US, the responsibility for redrawing congressional districts is owned by none other than the state legislature. The majority party in state legislatures often abuse this right...
For this thought experiment, we asked one former Republican speech writer and one Democratic speechwriter to team up and compose a bipartisan presidential stump speech that panders to the largest...