Inaugurate is an interactive guide to presidential inauguration speeches through the lens of Google Search, built by Jan Willem Tulp of Tulp Interactive in connection with the Google News Lab and...
Click on a country on the map to filter all the coups from 1950.
Use the sliders to choose between cold war and post-cold war, or to focus on a specific period.
Over eight months into the Mosul offensive, Islamic State militants have been dislodged from all of the city. The fall of Mosul marks the end of the Iraqi half of Islamic State’s self-styled...
Donald Trump’s rise from joke candidate to Commander in Chief was extraordinary. As Delayed Gratification is a Slow Journalism magazine, which reports on events at least three months after they’ve...
To understand what the gap means in people's every day life, I compared the time it takes for men and women to earn those wages. In each occupation, how many weeks at a male's average salary does...
When President Obama left office on Jan. 20, so did his appointees, which meant President-elect Donald Trump had to fill more than 4,000 vacancies by presidential appointment in his new...
Less than two weeks after taking office, President Donald Trump announced that he was nominating Neil Gorsuch to the Supreme Court. Roughly two months later, he was confirmed by the Senate.
Our election forecast used interactive charts and maps to show the constantly changing state of the 2016 presidential race. We used multiple forms -- including several types of charts and maps --...
When Donald Trump swept to victory in the Electoral College on Nov. 8, perhaps no group was more surprised than journalists, who had largely bought into the polls showing Hillary Clinton was...
Can a metaphor with animated weather icons track the economic well-being of the United Kingdom and show the impact of Brexit over time? Here is our attempt at adding a little levity to an important...
Venezuela's fortunes rise and fall with the price of oil, and when crude prices tanked in 2014, its economy was thrown into chaos. A government that had relied on oil revenues to fund social...
An entire database made accessible on your phone. Complexity distilled down to a looping, explorable interactive that gives you both the big picture and the minute details. David Yanofsky, Quartz...
Members of the public in European states including France, Belgium, Germany and the UK greatly overestimate their country’s Muslim population and the rate at which it is growing.
Infographic showing the order of succession in the royal family of Saudi Arabia since Ibn Saud, founder of the country in 1932.
The complexity of the royal family of Saudi Arabia was a challenge....
When Secretary of State Rex Tillerson sought to allay American’s fears of North Korea’s nuclear threat by saying, “Americans should sleep well at night,” we asked, should we? What would happen if...
The New Zealand Government runs an annual benchmarking survey across 25 Government agencies in order to gather information on the cost, efficiency, and effectiveness of ICT delivered by those...
With Americans considering healthcare to be one the biggest issues facing the country, Lightspeed Health conducted an exclusive survey of doctors and healthcare consumers to understand their...
Where does the UK government get its money? How much does it then spend? And on what?
Here you can review spending in your abstract metric of choice: billions, percentage of budget, or amount...
The news is a major part of how many people obtain information every day. While it provides a vital function to keep people informed about the important issues, we don't often consciously consider...
High-speed rail has developed rapidly in China in recent years. Its maximum speed has recently increased, to 350 kilometers per hour, and it has shortened the trip from Beijing to Nanjing to 3.5...
Over the past four days, a mix of politicians and other figures — athletes, actors, business people and the like — delivered 73 speeches as part of the Republican National Convention. We tracked...
The US holds only 5% of the world’s population but 25% of the world’s prisoners. Was it the war on drugs? Mandatory minimums? How we got here – the global leader in incarceration – is one of the...
In the context of understanding the complex phenomenon of violent religious radicalization, this map details the journey of ISIS’ foreign fighters to the territories of the Caliphate, as well as of...
The attack by IS-related groups on the Philippine city of Marawi has highlighted the increasing presence of the militant group in Southeast Asia and has set alarm bells ringing.
How do people search for candidates and political topics? And what are they really interested in? Wahl 2Q17 uses Google Trends to visualize the Google Search interest in the top candidates of the...
Electionland is a project to track and cover voting problems during the 2016 election. It’s a collaboration between ProPublica and the Google News Lab, WNYC News, CUNY Graduate School of...