Weather Browser is an interactive tool to visually look up and compare detailed weather data. Select a day and Weather Browser visualizes temperature, precipitation, wind speed, wind direction...
Bicycle makers continue to produce lighter machines with better grip and more powerful brakes. Riders have been flirting with unheard of speeds during descents, touching 70 miles an hour. And...
R is a language and environment for statistical computing and graphics. R provides a wide variety of statistical (linear and nonlinear modelling, classical statistical tests, time-series analysis,...
Every day, New York City’s 5.5 million commuters seed the city subways with bacteria from the food they eat, the pets or plants they keep, and their shoes, sneezes and unwashed hands. No two subway...
Commissioned by BRIGHT for Twitter France, Doris Le Bot creates unique digital creatures from real-time tweets, born from various properties of the users' Twitter profile.
During ab event in...
Our World In Data covers a wide range of topics and visualizes the empirical evidence of how living standards changed over the last decades, centuries, and millennia.
Redburn is Europe’s largest independent equity research and broking firm and has a premium position in the market. Redburn IDEAS helps fund managers, sales people, and analysts understand and...
Every day we hear about weather conditions for the future times, what happen if we take a step back and try to see what happened in the past years? The aim of this project is to visualize the...
Graph TV is a visualization tool which graphs tv show ratings by episode. Each season is assigned a different color and linear regressions are calculated for each season as well as for the...
Featuring 1,000 fascinating projects, intends to be a unified resource space for anyone interested in the visualization of complex networks. The project's main goal is to...
Something important you'll notice: as more outside groups get involved in the war, each escalates by backing their side, then a rival will also get involved to back the other side. So what you have...
Rare earth elements are a group of metals of great economic and technological significance. They possess a great number of irreplaceable properties and play a key role especially with regard to...
See just how warmer temperatures and less precipitation have drastically altered the water situation in the Golden State since 2011.
Published by the Wall Street Journal
The second debate on Wednesday night was a three-hour affair, where Donald Trump dominated the conversation – a repeat performance of the first debate. Of words spoken by the 11 candidates, 15...
On March 14th celebrate Pi Day. Hug π—find a way to do it. For those who favour τ=2π will have to postpone celebrations until July 26th. Some of these folks will argue that π is wrong. If...
Mirador is a tool for visual exploration of complex datasets. It enables users to discover correlation patterns and derive new hypotheses from the data.
By combining data, strategy, design and technology, CLEVERFRANKE creates tools that enable us to explore, understand and change the world to shape our future.
Since October 2009, health care organizations and their business partners have reported 1,364 large-scale data breaches, each affecting at least 500 people, to the U.S. Department of Health and...
The Clinical Centre in Ljubljana, capital city of Slovenija, is home to one of the leading cardiocurgial teams in the world. They have been chosen to take part in the clinical trials of the...
In less than five decades the once vibrant Motor City lost more than half its population and gained a reputation as a failed metropolis of abandoned buildings, widespread poverty, and rampant...
Interactive map presents the structure of an oil platform "Prirazlomnaya" (Gazprom company). The journalists of the Kommersant publishing house took a series of video interviews with employees...