This network diagram displays how characters span the Breaking Bad universe (aka the Gilliverse). The size of each character symbol denotes how many appearances they made in Breaking Bad, Better...
At Spotify, we're interested in observing users’ behavior and inferring what that means about their relationship to music. This experimental project visualizes several months' worth of listening...
My hometown LongQuan is rich in celadon; a type of traditional glazed pottery. I want to reproduce the process of making LongQuan celadon in its historical heyday, including all the techniques of...
85% of women on "The Bachelor" are younger than 30, compared to 60% of men on "The Bachelorette." Insider created a series of graphics that dive into the ages of the contestants on the world's most...
Game of Thrones has a reputation for killing off its audience’s favorite characters. It’s become a running joke and a warning that fans give to new viewers: don’t get too attached to any character,...
While experiencing the beloved "Fast and the Furious" films, one might ask: How fast? How furious? A scrappy team of Bloomberg designers and reporters meticulously analyzed the first seven movies...
**The demo video and pictorial of this project can be found in
Social media platforms generate a constant flow of digital expressions, opinions, and emotions, forming a...
Beautiful Music features sixes pieces of music which are each remarkable compositions in their own way. Visualising the notes shines a light on the different elements of each piece. Through...
Overall, this data set proved pretty challenging to find any insights. Turner was such a large proportion that I couldn't see anything in the data until I got rid of him. It also helped to hide all...
Do you remember playing with the coins of your parents and the journeys they spoke of? Now you have the chance to do the same thing again, but this time with a lot more coins belonging to one of...
This interactive essay explores the 175-year performance history (as of 2017) of the New York Philharmonic, and takes a look at how some aspects of performances at the Phil have changed through the...
The Hollywood Movies Industry is compiling several information adn data towards the years in order to see the trends and patterns that has the greatest impact to increase Profitability of the moive...
As Avengers assemble with characters from all corners of the Marvel universe, this graphic will tell you who fights whom, who has a hellish sister, and more.
Technology meets audio. Analysis of consumption trends in Spain of the main forms of expression: podcasts, audiobooks, smart speakers and voice assistants. Preference of use by area, reasons for...
This visualisation is about Italo Calvino, one among the most well-known and studied writers in contemporary Italian literature. The visualisation depicts his most important published works and his...
This visualization measures how many films members of the three different packs (The Rat Pack, The Brat Pack, and The Frat Pack) appeared in together, as well as the IMDB ratings for those films
The 24 solar terms are the unique solar terms culture of China. With throttle the starting point of life is to want to do a north and south China for throttle value contrast as original from...
"Mapping Dada" is a piece that uses the Wikipedia link structure, combined with a modified version of Google's 'PageRank' equation, to track the movement of Dada through history.
Christopher Nolan`s Thriller Memento deals with a man who suffers from a short-term memory loss, an alleged murder and the nature of the crime. Furthermore the component of vengeance is addressed....
There have been quite many US remakes from foreign originals but do they perform better than the originals?
To examine this, I used the shows listed in the Wikipedia tables of the US remakes of...
A Mother’s Unwavering Journey: Navigating Pregnancy, Full-time Job, and Motherhood. Through sleepless nights and overwhelming fatigue, I found solace in data tracking, discovering my strength and...
The project shows a data vizualisation of all curse words and deaths used in recent Quentin Tarantino's movies, from Reservoir Dogs to Django Unchained. They are listed according to the time of the...
About 35% of current jobs in the UK are at high risk of computerisation over the following 20 years, according to a study by researchers at Oxford University and Deloitte.
Oxford University...
Presented in the form of timeline: Decorative art of book in China which are classified according to different materials and forms,
Binding styles of Chinese ancient books mainly include oracle...
Hand-drawn infographics shows all Quentin Tarantino's movies in chronological order. It compares year & month of a premier, budget & box office, movie length & rating. Based on the...