
Marvel at the visual wizardry of this year's Showcase

The Kantar Information is Beautiful Awards 2018 showcase is live:

:: See the 2018 showcase 

(The showcase order is automatically shuffled every 24 hours, so keep visiting for more choices.)

Thank you to all who entered their work. We received nearly 900 entries this year - a 15% increase on 2018 - with pieces from across the US, Europe, China, India and Latin America.

The talent is high and the field broad, with top media outlets and design studios competing head-to-head with experienced solo practitioners and absurdly talented students. 

Our categories look at entries not by technical discipline (dataviz, infographics, interactive etc) but by how well they illuminate the topic:

Arts, Entertainment & Culture | Breaking News | Leisure, Games & Sport | Maps, Places & Spaces | People, Language & Identity | Politics, Global & Humanitarian | Science & Technology | Unusual

Right now our team & judges are sifting through the showcase and pouring the creme de la creme into the Longlist which will be released on Tues 25 Sep. 

The showcase includes all eligible entries received by our deadline of Fri 14 Sep, 11.59pm PST. If you do or don't see your work as expected and need a change or have a question, please read "housekeeping notes" below.


Housekeeping notes

Paid to enter but don't see your work in the 2018 showcase? Try looking up the title in our search engine.

Note that our team may have changed the category of your work to something we feel is more appropriate. Only eligible entries received (and if necessary paid) by our deadline of Fri 13 Sep are guaranteed a place in the showcase. 

Still not seeing it? Contact us with a copy of your payment receipt and the name of your work. 

Discovered an error, an out-of-date viz that shouldn't have been nominated, or a piece that's lacking a credit? Contact us and we'll do our best to fix.


What happens next?

The showcase will be boiled down to a longlist announced on Tues 25 Sep.

Then on Weds 10 Oct the shortlist will be revealed to the public and our panel of expert judges plus the public will vote via this site.

All shortlisted entrants get a pair of tickets to our New York ceremony on Tuesday December 4th.

All winners receive a trophy plus a cash prize - gold, ($1,000), silver ($500) or bronze ($250).



Tues 25 Sep - longlist announced

Weds 10 Oct - shortlist announced & public voting opens

Fri 19 Oct - voting closes at 11.59pm PST

Tues 4 Dec - winners announced at our New York ceremony


Feel free to shout if you're in the showcase

Has your work made it through? Feel free to @-mention us on Twitter (@infobeautyaward) and Facebook - we'll try to RT and share as much as we can. 


:: Browse the 2018 showcase by category

:: Check out 2017's showcase and winners

Posted in Awards — over 6 years ago