The March 1st Independence Movement, which took place on March 1, 1919, was an incident in which Korea protested against unjust and violent the Japanese Empire's rule and rose up throughout the...
This table lists four groups of data from 31 provinces in China, including the total number of applicants in each year, the number of applicants in each province and the rate of admission. The...
This interactive globe shows the geology of Earth over the past 750 million years. Users can enter their locations to see where their homes are on the Pangaea supercontinent and other unique...
The clustering of instruments by gender reflects prejudices that date back to the 19th century, or earlier. Women were discouraged from playing instruments that might distort their facial features,...
The average person on earth would live 2.6 years longer if the air contained none of the deadliest type of pollution. Your number depends on where you live.
The entrant has supplied multiple...
Palette of Art is a poster series investigating the frequency of color occurrence in famous masterpieces throughout history. The series interprets color through an adaptive color wheel,...
What will really increase your average life expectancy and lifespan? Why do women live longer than men? What’s the best method of life extension? Diet and exercise? Or polygamy and pets? Let the...
The Harvest Chart visualizes the weekly crop harvest of fruits and vegetables across the United States in an interactive data visualization. The design objective for the project was to answer a...
365° is an education-oriented blog that runs on Instagram and Facebook. Everyday, beginning January 1st, we upload an infographic describing a single piece of data that is relevant to our...
The three infographics pages in the Annual Report of the Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF) provide a vivid insight into the diverse funding activities of the Foundation in 2018:
An overview...
9/11 came as a gift to NSA, giving them more power and freedom to have mass surveillances illegally. And not just through eavesdropping on our phones, they’ve found a new weapon to invade our...
Pipeline vandalism leads to scarcity and shortage of petroleum products, as well as decrease in electricity supply with the attendant socio-economic problems. Nigeria over the years has been...
Operation Fistula dashboards talks about what Fistula means and shows the African countries that are most affected by this condition. It shows the different criterias which are responsible for this...
This work presents changes of the angle at which the Sun's rays strike the Earth's surface during the year. It is aiming to explain what causes the change of seasons.
I calculated the angle of...
After two Boeing 737 MAX planes crashed within six months of each other, the Journal set out to answer the question of what went wrong in a visual explainer created with painstaking accuracy. This...
INFO WE TRUST shows you how to make information people can believe in. I wrote it for everyone who not only wants to understand and see things better, but also wants to help other people see things...
Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) is one of the most important techniques used in Biology. It is used almost every day by researchers across biological sciences, clinical medicine, and forensics....
Our main aim was to visualise the Test Ride experience digitally real-time integrating our Client’s Electric Vehicle API, creating personalised Data Visualisation for each Rider.
We were invited...
For the 2018 Brazilian general elections, our team developed a highly detailed results map, segmenting the electoral results by ballot location. This may seem trivial in countries where the state...
Released by Telos Publications late last year, 'Infogothic: An Unauthorised Graphic Guide to Hammer Horror' is my first book, analysing the horror films from Britain's Hammer Films. Rather than...
Close encounter of the third type refers to the close encounter between people and aliens or UFOs. Such events have global dimensions but low public awareness. I objectively present those events...
The Vietnam War lasted from 1955 to the fall of Saigon in 1975, with more than 58,000 Americans killed in the war. This data visualization demonstrates the burden of casualties that the US Army...
Silicon-based civilization is already integrated into people's lives. Carbon-based civilization is the culture formed by organisms, while silicon-based civilization is driven mainly by data, which...
The visualization invites riders to explore bike and docking station availability for encouraging re-distribution for the NYC bike share. The data on trips and station availability are encoded in...
The size of protesting crowds is a contentious issue in Hong Kong. In many large protests, the headcounts estimated by police and protest organisers have been dramatically different.
Getting a bird’s eye view of them and following the individual paths as they weave through what might resemble spaghetti, some sort of flower or a bow-tie. It’s a beauty that cannot be...
Kekki is an experienced game analyst. In this interactive visualization, he guides us through the landscape of mobile games while traversing through a beautiful forest. The adventure is available...
The Triple J Hottest 100 countdown is the world’s largest music poll. Each year more than 2 million Australians pick their favourite songs and the tracks with the most votes are revealed one-by-one...