This map includes all movie filming permits issued by the Mayor's Office of Film, Theatre, and Broadcasting for the years 2011 through 2013. It comprises a total of 517 movies and 17,241 filming...
Information is Beautiful Studio has championed the use of data visualization and information design to explore new directions in storytelling with data.
Concentrated poverty in the neighbourhoods of the nation's largest urban cores has exploded since the 1970s. The number of high poverty neighbourhoods has tripled and the number of poor people...
The number of infected people, measured over 70-some years and across all 50 states and the District of Columbia, generally declined after vaccines were introduced. The heat maps below show number...
Elephant ivory is now a key source of funding for armed groups in central Africa like the Lord’s Resistance Army. National Geographic commissioned the creation of artificial tusks with hidden GPS...
Twenty five and single? In London, you're anything but alone. According to the 2011 Census, more than half of twentysomethings go solo. Then comes your thirties and that deep river of available...
The UK’s electricity generating sites and sub-sea interconnectors. Only currently operating sites of 1 megawatt (MW) capacity or larger are included. The size of the circles is proportional to site...
In partnership with Future Cities Catapult, After the Flood turned London's boroughs into a choropleth - or series of shaded cells - that can contain numerous types of data more effectively than a...
Migration has great potential to bring benefits to developing countries.
worldwide migrant remittances are three times as large as the official development money: More than 400 billion USD.
This piece of data visualization aims to deconstruct and represent the emigration flow of Spain between the years of
2008 and 2013.
The system that I created to visualize the total number...
"Histography" is an interactive timeline that spans across 14 billion years of history, from the Big Bang to 2015. The site draws historical events from Wikipedia and self-updates daily with new...
With the merging of AB InBev and SABMiller creates a brewing giant, more than one third of all beer worldwide will be produced by just one company. This interactive graphic lets the reader...
There are more than 1,200 active satellites orbiting earth right now, taking pictures, relaying communications, broadcasting locations, spying on you, and even housing humans. Thanks to a database...
The National Park Service created models of sound level and night sky conditions for the coterminous U. S. to assess resource conditions in national parks and adjacent landscapes. These models...
4.7 million Colombians live abroad. 400,000 of those who left have refugee status or are applying for it. They live in 45 countries worldwide.
Data Visualization Chief: Alejandro...
As a companion piece to our static Oscar Dresses infographic, we created a larger interactive piece that looked at all the dresses female Hollywood icons had worn to the Academy Awards. The move to...
An interactive tool for healthcare providers to explore data from clinical trials. Peer-reviewed manuscripts can only describe a small fraction of the data generated in a clinical trial. Our tool...
Our baseball chronology series was developed for an exhibit featured at the Baseball Hall of Fame in 2015. The series of four prints shows a visualized history of the major leagues: which teams...
The rates of demographic change in New Orleans reveal something surprising about the future of the place: As the large-scale return of population to the New Orleans area has tapered, pre-existing...
We have developed a system that allows a variety of users, from the Studio Librarian to the HR Partner or the Managing Partner of our architectural practice to access relevant, attractive and clear...
This animation shows the Earth’s warming climate, recorded in monthly measurements from land and sea over 135 years. Temperatures are displayed in degrees above or below the 20th-century...
Ever wondered how many carbon emissions are generated by online activity? This infographic by Custom Made shows the level of CO2 emissions generated through emails, searches and cloud storage.
A descriptive infographic informing the viewer of the negative effects on the human body when consuming too much sugar. We also state interesting facts and reveal how much sugar there are in...
Animal species are going extinct anywhere from 100 to 1,000 times the rates that would be expected under natural conditions. Arguably, the increase results from a variety of human-caused...
Skeptics of manmade climate change offer various natural causes to explain why the Earth has warmed 1.4 degrees Fahrenheit since 1880. But can these account for the planet's rising temperature?This...