This map shows the collaboration networks between researchers in different cities. Apart from its aesthetic qualities, the map is useful to illustrate some interesting collaboration patterns....
Guided by experts, ProPublica calculated death and complication rates for surgeons performing one of eight elective procedures in Medicare, carefully adjusting for differences in patient health,...
Prominent industries in a state can say a lot about an area. Is there a lot of farming? Is there a big technology market? Couple the jobs with salary, and you also see where the money's at. You...
The world will not end hunger until girls and women are empowered. Empowerment relies on annual data to track the issues that matter most. The United Nations has defined a set of 52 indicators...
MHA@GW, the online master of health administration offered through the Milken Institute School of Public Health at the George Washington University, created this data visualization to compare...
Drawing on the same data that powers Google Maps and Google Earth, Project Sunroof uses high-resolution aerial mapping to calculate every roof’s solar energy potential -- and to determine how much...
“Made By Numbers” is a project that uses our company’s own 2014 data to generate a unique, artistic output representing our brand. We mined a year of HUSH’s data and used it to design a physical /...
By combining data, strategy, design and technology, CLEVERFRANKE creates tools that enable us to explore, understand and change the world to shape our future.
EagerEyes is Robert Kosara’s place to reflect on the world of information visualization and visual communication of data. The goal is to help digest things that are happening in the field and...
This map includes all movie filming permits issued by the Mayor's Office of Film, Theatre, and Broadcasting for the years 2011 through 2013. It comprises a total of 517 movies and 17,241 filming...
An interactive tool for healthcare providers to explore data from clinical trials. Peer-reviewed manuscripts can only describe a small fraction of the data generated in a clinical trial. Our tool...
Every day, there are 3 billion+ searches on Google. See how these searches reflect the way the world thinks about climate change.
Published by Chrome Experiments
Combine parties as best you can to form a workable government. You need 323 votes, probably, to survive a confidence vote, but you may find that some parties get along together better than...
Interactive Things is a boutique design studio that helps organisations to innovate through design and technology while putting the human at the center of our process. We believe that the best...
The Public Theater has staged Shakespeare in the Park since 1962—one of New York City’s most beloved summer traditions.
We were interested in visualizing a complex data set of productions,...
A recent Naked Data newsletter pointed me to this article on Wikipedia which gives a list of when the world was predicted to end throughout recorded history. It is a timeline of when the world...
There are at least 7,102 known languages alive in the world today. Twenty-three of these languages are a mother tongue for more than 50 million people. The 23 languages make up the native tongue of...
This piece of data visualization aims to deconstruct and represent the emigration flow of Spain between the years of
2008 and 2013.
The system that I created to visualize the total number...
This project is an infographic illustrating all 276 women who won gold medals at the London Olympics. While watching the London Olympics, Wendy Fox was fascinated by the vast variety in body...
Urbica Design analyzed the performance statistics of the city bicycle rental in 2015 for the Department of Transport of Moscow. Data on 812 000 rides at 300 rental stations were studied and...
You’re a social scientist with a hunch: The U.S. economy is affected by whether Republicans or Democrats are in office. Try to show that a connection exists, using real data going back to 1948....
My goal is to explore new experiences around data consumption beyond the written and visual forms by taking advantage of music's temporal nature and capacity to alter one's mood. Topics will...
An infographic poster exhibition (for the Night of Research) showed statistics about the PhD students who submitted their doctoral thesis at the University of Bern in 2013 in a vivid, funny and...
Bicycle makers continue to produce lighter machines with better grip and more powerful brakes. Riders have been flirting with unheard of speeds during descents, touching 70 miles an hour. And...
Culturegraphy investigates cultural information exchange over time also known as 'memes'. These networks can provide new insights into the rich interconnections of cultural development.