The global health community has united behind the Global Vaccine Action Plan -- a shared vision and roadmap for the Decade of Vaccines -- to reach all children, no matter where they live, with the...
ghg worked with Save the Children, a leading non-profit organization dedicated to changing the lives of children in need around the world, to shed light on maternal health and its impact on child...
An interactive data visualization produced on behalf of Sport England , the key objective was to show a more visually explorative way of presenting sports participation data alongside external...
Billionaires is a visualization of all humans with a capital over dollar. The data comes from but the way the information is visualized provides a...
This series of maps examines regional dialect variation in the continental United States. For each of the 122 questions in the Harvard Dialect Survey, the composite map shows which dialect variant...
What are the chances of dying from firearms in America... versus lightning or a bee sting? When the asteroid DA14 sailed close to Earth in February 2013 (without impact), it inspired The...
The Korean war was a bloody battle that lasted from June 25, 1950 to July 27, 1953. It was a conflict caused by a divided peninsula, in which both sides wanted reunification but retaining their...
Snakes reveal historical trend and highlight present situation. Snake heads (biggest bubbles) show current number while the tails show past. It balances the importance of present and history.
The main objective of this infographic is a generated a graphic explaining for the opportunities that BAT has to offer menthol in a segment Low.
For this, it is necessary first understand the Low...
R. Crumb was responsible for sparking the underground comix (with an x) revolution of the '60s and '70s that brought satirical and adult-themed titles into the mainstream. He was one of the most...
Originally held at Olympia in Greece between the 8th century BC and the 4th century AD, the Olympic Games returned in 1896 after a 1500 year hiatus. A few sports have been featured on every...
SPOILER ALERT! Everybody dies in the end (as they did in Hamlet, as they did in the Titanic.... get over it). This interactive visualization explores the flurry of tweets that occurred after the...
Al Jazeera together with the Knight-Mozilla OpenNews group developed this open source video player which can be used on any website to match video content with a word-aligned transcript. The HTML5 ...
This visualisation was the outcome of my struggle to understand travel behaviour in London. The scale of London's transit system is daunting, and I came up with many complex approaches to the...
Comparative analysis between the number of smokers and total population of the european union member states. The indicator is defined as the number of current tobacco smokers among the population,...
The Oberhaeuser calendar 2013 is a printed wall calendar 100x70cm big. Each color-ring represents one month of the year. Federal holidays (United States) are highlighted with an icon and white...
The Health & Beauty team at Kantar Worldpanel have used recent LinkQ data to visualise data regarding what the nation suffers from and how it's treated.
To celebrate 30 years of NatCen's British Social Attitudes survey we launched a new interactive data tool letting you explore 30 years of data on attitudes to the economy, welfare, morality,...
This timeplot is a visualization of the progression in political ideology of every House seat from 1789 to 2012. The main stream is made of more than 36,000 circles, each representing one...
Over the course of one calendar year I recorded all of the beer I consumed. Keeping track of particular brands of beer, the types of beer, when it was consumed, and how many were consumed, this...
BBC Knowledge commissioned Territory Studio ( to produce an animated film on the subject of DNA. Three minutes is a short time to explore a subject where most doctorates only...
The Consumer Barometer is a global research project Google commenced several years ago, to provide insight into how consumers use online and offline media in their purchase process. Our main goal...
“God created time, the devil created calendars,” as the Austrian-American chemist Erwin Chargaff once wrote. But here of course that's not entirely true, since the ixtract calendar you find beneath...