Our interactive infographic shows an overview about the relevant parties of Berlin previous to the elections of Bundestag. All these data from all six parties are visualized in form of a pattern....
Tuberculosis (TB) is a contagious disease spread by coughing and sneezing that usually attacks the lungs. It was one of the world's leading causes of death before antibiotics were introduced in the...
A day before I was given a brief to present information on a personal habit over a period of a week I started a very bland and uninteresting low carbohydrate diet because I have previously been...
Recently the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (cms.gov) released a report detailing Medicare Provider Charge Data which shows the cost of procedures or DRGs at various hospitals across...
Comparative analysis between the number of smokers and total population of the european union member states. The indicator is defined as the number of current tobacco smokers among the population,...
R. Crumb was responsible for sparking the underground comix (with an x) revolution of the '60s and '70s that brought satirical and adult-themed titles into the mainstream. He was one of the most...
The project started with a walk of little steps through the forest of server infrastructure, big data and nuclear power stations. It continued with forming an estimate of electricity used by the...
This data visualization is an exercise in creating a multivariate display using disparate but overlapping scales. Five variables are reported: quarter (of the year), total venture capital...
In 2010 New York City added 54 million metric tons of carbon dioxide to the atmosphere, but that number means little to most people because few of us have a sense of scale for atmospheric...
On the Board is a groundbreaking new initiative of The International Women's Forum (IWF) and The George Washington University School of Business (GWSB) that aims to change these numbers. On the...
The Nature of Overfishing is an interactive Web aquarium that tells the tale of the world's fish populations over the last 100 years. While there was once big "predatory" fish and small "prey" fish...
Manchester City won 2012′s English Premier League. But what if there were no goal-keepers allowed? We visualise how the final table would have looked if the rules of the game were tweaked.
In the latest collaboration with Namesake, we visualized the takedown of Osama Bin Laden and his last hour on Earth. After nearly a decade, justice for 9/11 was served.
This work was an attempt to bring the somewhat perceived enthusiasm with a smatter Brazilian vibrancy and place it against the well known problems and tensions of everyday life. Setting this in the...
With the fine weather on everyone's lips this summer, I decided to investigate if this really was the best summer ever. I sourced data from Met Eireann—the Irish meteorological service—and used...
Infographic poster (part of a set of two) detailing the stats for each of the players on the 2013 NBA All-Star teams. The infographic uses radar charts to highlight each player's strongest areas.
Grevilleas are members of the Protea plant family and are widespread across Australia. Colour palettes of Grevillea flowers were extracted from photographs, and linked to occurrence records sourced...
Creative studio MPC and global brand agency Jack Morton Worldwide, created a major experience to bring to life BP's key capabilities for 2,500 global VIPs, stakeholders and employees. The BP...
–Attention Radar' is a web app that visualizes large data sets monitoring political agendas of the Netherlands and the European Union. The data was collected by Montesquieu Institute in The Hague...
Concept and design of a full-page visualization on the topic of linguistic diversity for the weekly newspaper DIE ZEIT. The visualization shows the 99 most common languages in the form of speech...
This project required me to create two posters that represented the activities of my day. One poster consists of my illustrations and the other poster is a typography piece.