Because we all enjoy a little light masochism now and then, we've put together a full rent map of the capital, showing the average monthly cost for a one-bedroom within a kilometer of each Tube...
32 teams qualified for the soccer World Cup finals held in Brazil in June and July 2014. They started in groups of four with the top two sides progressing to the knockout stages. Here, they are...
The visualization shows the Italian
cultural production system in 2014,
focusing on three factors: the effect of
the cultural system on the total
tourists’ flow; the effect of the...
Lyra is an interactive environment that enables custom visualization design without writing any code. Graphical “marks” can be bound to data fields using property drop zones; dynamically...
Since October 2009, health care organizations and their business partners have reported 1,364 large-scale data breaches, each affecting at least 500 people, to the U.S. Department of Health and...
It’s the biggest news in the global economy right now: oil is cheaper than anytime since 2009. And the impact is as obvious as the sign at the corner service station, where gas is down to an...
Many of the economic trends that have defined countries’ fortunes over the past year are especially striking when seen visually—how in the U.S., for example, unemployment declined, or how, in...
This animation distills hundreds of years of culture into just five minutes. A team of historians and scientists wanted to map cultural mobility, so they tracked the births and deaths of notable...
In partnership with Future Cities Catapult, After the Flood turned London's boroughs into a choropleth - or series of shaded cells - that can contain numerous types of data more effectively than a...
By combining data, strategy, design and technology, CLEVERFRANKE creates tools that enable us to explore, understand and change the world to shape our future.
In US presidential primaries, endorsements have been among the best predictors of which candidates will succeed and which will fail. This visualisation keeps track.
This is a summary of the history of (Western) philosophy showing the positive/negative connections between some of the key ideas/arguments of the philosophers. This first version is based mostly on...
In June 2013 the scale of government mass surveillance of agencies, like NSA and GCHQ, were leaked by Edward Snowden. This project intends to raise awareness by designing a fictional monitoring...
The National Park Service created models of sound level and night sky conditions for the coterminous U. S. to assess resource conditions in national parks and adjacent landscapes. These models...
NASA's New Horizons flyby of Pluto caps more than 50 years of exploring our nearest celestial neighbors. Here's a chance to look back at the moons, planets, asteroids and comets photographed by...
As part of the celebration around the World Statistics Day 2015, and following the launch of the 2015 Millennium Development Goals Report, the United Nations Statistics Division announced the...
When that first August kick happens, he carried our hopes.
When we needed to endure, he made sure we presisted.
When we thought all was lost, we looked to him.
He always fought for us.
In 1918, the First World War ended and millions of men returned from the front line to their wives and sweethearts. Two years later, Britain experienced a sudden spike in birth rate, a ‘baby boom’,...
The Global Language Network is a project by the MIT Media Lab Macro Connections group in collaboration with Aix-Marseille Université, Northeastern MoBS, and Harvard University. We are an...
Energy is complicated. The goal of the U.S. of Energy is to help you understand energy realities in America. Staying away from politics and not playing favourites with any individual resource....
Enrolment of children in elementary school in Costa Rica dropped 12% across six years (2009-2014). This feature visualises the situation in the nation's classrooms and looks to the next five years....
This data visualisation shows programmes that were broadcast on the BBC in 2013 and 2014, and it shows the people who helped to make those programmes who worked in off-screen roles.