"Mission Weather" and "Mission Climate" are two interactive web applications, which were designed and implemented for two large touch screens, as part of the exhibition "Mission Earth" of the...
"Deep Space" is based on a hypothetically developed vision of the future on the planet Mars in the year 2100, assuming a dystopian past of the planet Earth and humanity and defining it as a search...
As part of its 150th anniversary, Nature, the world’s leading science journal, collaborated with network scientists led by Albert Laszlo Barabasi at Northeastern University in Boston. The...
This short data essay merges personal data with scientific research about sleep. The visualizations reflect on my sleep patterns during the final semester of (remote) university in comparison to...
The state of Kerala has always been the forerunner in educational and social reforms in India, but now it is crucial to integrate inter-state migrant workers into its society for the state’s...
THE 1918 INFLUENZA PANDEM IC—ALSO KNOWN AS THE SPANISH FLU — wreaked havoc into 1920 and earned the dubious honor of being the deadliest pandemic in recorded history. In 2020, as many parts of the...
Transitioning from fossil fuels to renewable sources of energy is a key step in reducing greenhouse gas emissions and addressing climate change. Acknowledging this, a growing number of companies...
The beauty and benefit of the scientific process is its iterative nature over time. Each individual discovery fits into a body of work, and firm conclusions develop only after many years and many...
This infographic is the product of a graphic communications class I took last spring. I chose forest bathing as my research topic because I had read about it previously and found it to be a super...
When the world wide web was first released publicly in 1991, it was quickly adopted. As technology advanced and its benefits became clear, many people started integrating the online world into...
Covid and Monkeypox have made it clear, CDC must tell the data story as it unfolds with interactive visualizations that are mobile-friendly, high-traffic ready, user-tested, and...
Nowadays, more and more females pay more attentions to their own body. They try different kinds of ways to lose weight, go to the gyms, try various healthy diets, even get liposuction. In response...
I am an astronomer working on a website to deliver stellar properties to the masses. While I was making a JS version of what we call an Hertzspring-Russell diagram, a plot of stars comparing their...
I am a space nerd, so when I found data on NASA’s exoplanet database, I had to visualise it.
The result is this visualisation - created for community project #IronQuest. The visualisation asks...
Taste is a complex 4 dimensional experience. Different parts of the tongue, mouth and nasal cavity detect different aspects of flavour, scent and texture independently, yet together form a complete...
This project aims to activate and tune smartphone users’ material intelligence through stories and objects that provoke them to think about their relationship with their devices – and by extension,...
The visualization presents monthly global temperature anomalies between the years 1880-2021. These temperatures are based on the GISS Surface Temperature Analysis (GISTEMP v4), an estimate of...
In March 1965, Voskhod 2 and its two passengers spun around the Earth for just over a day. A few minutes of that remarkable journey made history. As the spacecraft made one of its 17 orbits,...
Two Soviet steppe tortoises had already flown around the moon by the time Neil Armstrong set foot on it in 1969.
Initial animal studies focused on adaptability to and logistics of travel as many...
Addiction recovery has traditionally been quantified by counting days of sobriety. This project is focused on showcasing a new measure being introduced to the addiction recovery community that...
In this visualization, health indicators from Mexico's federal database as GDP percentage assigned to public health, public spending on health percentage of total public spending, and per capita...
The Zero-Emission Technology Inventory (ZETI) tool is an interactive online resource that establishes a current and shared knowledge base for worldwide commercially available offerings of...
It has become common to say "I'm depressed" when we mean "I'm sad" and therefore underestimate just how severe depression is and how harmful it can be. This viz takes a look at depression: the...
Studio NAND worked with researchers from one of the largest university hospitals in Europe, Charité, and the Max PIanck Institute to tackle misinformation and misunderstanding of COVID-19...
Over a century before the mis-marketing of OxyContin dominated news outlets, the nation faced its first widespread opioid epidemic. The emergence, exploitation, and eruption of both epidemics...
Unwanted Witness is a Ugandan civil society organisation on a mission - to spread the word that our right to privacy is under threat. It’s no easy task. Most people don’t realise just how much...
IEPS DATA is a state-of-the-art platform that democratizes health data to monitor and support evidence-informed policies in Brazil. It allows different stakeholders to explore, compare, monitor,...
Epigenetics is a field of research that examines molecular changes in the genome that are influenced by external factors such as nutrition or stress. The latest research results offer great...
This is a visualization of unicorn companies (companies with a valuation of over $1 Billion USD. This visualization demonstrates the sharp increase in the number of unicorns in recent years. This...