Motion infographic based around the Battle of Stalingrad, showing the causes of the Red Army's victory.
Something important you'll notice: as more outside groups get involved in the war, each escalates by backing their side, then a rival will also get involved to back the other side. So what you have...
The project is an animation that illustrates a research where scientists have been able to create a very accurate estimate of the total number of trees in the world. This animation illustrates the...
The days when Leeds city centre's air would be so dense with smoke, grit and danger that the streets had to be evacuated are now, mostly, a memory, but not entirely behind us. As recently as March...
This animation shows the Earth’s warming climate, recorded in monthly measurements from land and sea over 135 years. Temperatures are displayed in degrees above or below the 20th-century...
Infographics are commonly mistaken as a modern invention, but they’ve actually been used to captivate and educate minds throughout history. This motion video reviews the past and present status of...
Information design is not about the gimmick, it is about improving communication and storytelling in partnership with the editorial tone, presentation style and journalism. Sky News Election Design...
This animation distills hundreds of years of culture into just five minutes. A team of historians and scientists wanted to map cultural mobility, so they tracked the births and deaths of notable...
The Fallen of World War II is an interactive documentary that examines the human cost of the second World War and the decline in battle deaths in the years since the war. The 15-minute data...
We wanted to see if we could visualize the so-called ocean garbage patches. We start with data from floating, scientific buoys that NOAA has been distributing in the oceans for the last 35-years,...