CNN’s Houses of Parliament interactive offers audiences a unique experience: the chance to step inside one of the world’s most iconic buildings in a purpose-built 360 immersive environment. Users...
This is an infographic on India's wildlife sanctuaries and parks, and covers
1> Number of sanctuaries and parks
2> Zone-wise, state-wise and area
3> year of their establishment
This map crosses the natural protected areas in continental Portugal with the species richness, which is the number of species within a defined region, observed in different groups.
The data was...
How are we visualizing topographic data?
This infographic shows the diversity of Switzerland's topography in a 3D south-north transect. The idea of this datavisualisation project was to use recent...
Hot air balloon model by LowPolyBenjamin from CGTrader.
#MapboxGL #MapTiler #ThreeJS #WebGL #3D #maps #buildings #hotair #balloons #fly #nyc #manhattan...
This visualisation shows the number of captive killer whales still alive in the US today. Amongst the 20 Killer Whales in captivity in the US that are still alive today, all but one are...
As a follow-up to last week’s visualization of Old Light and New Light, I wanted to make a single map, of the whole world, comparing NASA’s new 2016 Earth At Night image to the 2012 version. Using...
The first high speed train connected the cities of Tokyo and Osaka in a train circulating at 200km/h. This visualisation takes a look at how the Tokaido Line has evolved.
We are living in the anthropocene—an epoch characterized by humankind's profound impact on the planet. This poster presents seven geographic views of human activity and influence: it highlights...
Unhappy in your current locale? Delayed Gratification magazine compiled the definitive meta-list of global indices – ranking everything from press freedom and prosperity to happiness and the gender...
The report presents the generation, collection and treatment of waste in Mexico City. This process is represented in a data visualization that shows how many tons of waste are generated by the city...
Environmentalists have warned for decades that Mekong River dams were threatening the natural flow of sediment – a centuries-old system delivering nutrient-rich mud down the 5,000-km waterway to...
Wovoka is the transparency and insights layer to the voluntary carbon offsets market. Our platform ingests project-level information from the 4 major offset registries in real time, merges it with...
In 2020, the western monarch butterfly population catastrophically declined to its lowest numbers since counts began – from 1.2 million in 1997 down to fewer than 2,000 butterflies. I created this...
According to the article "The Lifecycle of Plastics" by WWF Australia, a disposable baby diaper takes 500 years to completely decompose on Earth. When I first came across this new knowledge, I was...
The seas cover 71% of the Earth and are home to the vast majority of living things on the planet. Water temperatures are rising.
In a five part series, Reuters looks at the implications of the...
Road kills often occur at night when vision is less clear.I imagined the desperate eyes of animals lying on the road after being hit by a car.Design with the shape of the pupil.Pupils shrink when...
There are now 56,638 fast food shops in England, occupying more than a quarter of all food outlets. Use our interactive map to get the full picture for your area.
The aim of this Instagram carousel is to sensibilise people around the theme of threatened species.
Madagascar is the first country with the highest number of threatened species in the world....
In November 2021, the foreign minister of Tuvalu addressed the climate summit COP26 while standing knee-deep in the ocean to raise awareness of the imminent threat sea level rise represents for...
Visualising how two million people reach Mecca for the annual pilgrimage.
The annual hajj is one of the largest international annual pilgrimages. The 5-day event brings together Muslims from all...
I have never been to Singapore but I found that if I took a nice evening walk my eyes would not experience any kind of nocturnal adaptation because the artificial twilight is so bright that it...
TomTom is the only independent mapmaker in the world today, and has been making maps for the world’s largest technology companies, car manufacturers, fleet management organizations, city...
A series of maps showing counties in the US that have more livestock than residents. The main map shows counties that have more cows, pigs, and/or chickens than residents, using a fun Venn diagram...