The earthquake and tsunami in Indonesia caused widespread destruction and killed more than 2,000 people.
As the amount of destruction was still coming to light, Reuters used a series of...
To prevent climate change climate breakdown and keep global warming global heating below 3–4 degrees celsius, we have to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and transition to renewable energy –...
The aim of this data visualization is to discover the events of people failing to reach Europe between 2000 and 2018. It allows readers to visualize incidents and the resulting casualties across...
Have you ever wondered which cities have won the most championships in the four major sports leagues? In this visualization, each petal of the flower chart represents one of the four major sports...
Special about the basketball player of FC Barcelona and the Spanish team, Juan Carlos Navarro "La Bomvar Navarro" who retired this year.
What started as a mere collection of data dispersed in...
This graphic was one piece of an investigative project by Newsy, Reveal and ProPublica that uncovered how dozens of police agencies in America are making rape cases look as if they are solved...
Every city has its banner. The Think Summit’s City of Technology has something more: a 12 metres long interactive flag generated and powered by the ideas and hopes of its citizens. An innovative...
This poster is a dataviz on the subject of overcrowded housing in France. By using sardine can, it refers to a french turn of phrase "packed like sardines". This datavisualisation was presented at...
Terrorism has been a popular news item for over several decades. It’s a very complex issue, that originates from various extremists’ ideologies. But what the headlines don’t commonly say, is that...
This plot is similar to a scatterplot, which is used to understand the relationship between two continuous measures. However, a change plot represents the current values on the x-axis and the...
In 2017, Australia’s housing market began the long slide into what has since become the worst property downturn in the country’s history.
This project, published on the eve of the downturn...
The average person on earth would live 2.6 years longer if the air contained none of the deadliest type of pollution. Your number depends on where you live.
The entrant has supplied multiple...
The size of protesting crowds is a contentious issue in Hong Kong. In many large protests, the headcounts estimated by police and protest organisers have been dramatically different.
Domestic violence has long been rooted in Chinese families. But public understanding of domestic violence is still unclear, or even unaware of the threat. Starting from the process and steps of...
Commissioned by Pingan technology, Emerge designed and built an interactive experience based around company’s patent records, aiming to make the data touchable and memorable. Using realtime...
Looking at the bunches of lab tests I had gathered since 2003, I decided to visualize my TSH lab results and other thyroid hormones. I was diagnosed with Hyperthyroidism and Graves Disease in 2003,...
This story was born from an aesthetics decision. After a night playing old soccer video-games, I thought it would be cool to make a story about the FIFA World Cup using design elements that...
This poster shows the "genealogy" of past and current faculty at the University of Miami, based on Gilda Santana's research: where faculty went to school, their research focus, and their time at...
Every summer, the gfs.bern research institute is commissioned by Credit Suisse to ask the Swiss public what they are worried about. For decades, unemployment was the unbeaten number one - even...
XXXY City (Triple X, Y City) is a data visualization project analyzing the difference between women and men in New York City on seven factors – education, occupation, income, age, sex...
The result of a three-month investigation, 3,121 desperate journeys breaks down the real cost of the Trump administration's zero tolerance policy. The piece aims to tell the story of just one week...
We built a chart-bot that generated (and posted to Twitter) a chart of every NBA playoff game . The charts show how each basketball game played out: the lead changes, the unique set of...
A visual compendium of the Marvel universe showing each character and their history with the franchise.
Since the series kicked off in 2008, the Marvel films have become a part of culture...
Rare Earth Hypothesis shows how unique the Earth is in the universe. There are many factors that make life on Earth, including the appearance of the Moon. There are six hypotheses about the origin...
If Venezuela hadn’t introduced a new Bolivar note and removed five zeros from the currency a stack of notes to pay the minimum wage would have stood almost 20 metres high. We use visual comparisons...
Japanese government publishes approximately 26,000 land values every year. We plotted these values from 1989, the peak of real estate bubble, to 2019, the latest.
You can see the latest value or...
We've created a detailed interactive map and analyzed recent election results in over 80,000 regions of Europe. We found many patterns – from the radical left to the extremist right.