An infographic story about how quantum computing works. The last pages are about the research/project TU Delft EEMC faculty is doing in this area. This infographic story is mainly created for...
The growth of greenhouse gas emissions worldwide is alarming. This is a handmade visualization of Canada’s greenhouse gas emissions for 1990, 2010 and projected for 2030. Three wearable creatures...
Missing masterpieces draw headlines, but most stolen art is crushingly quotidian-a family portrait "lost" by a moving company, a landscape snatched with the jewelry during a break-in. The FBI's...
What is a recommendation in the modern age? We explore this question with RecSys, a modern fable that examines through an every day event (a birthday party) the news ways we explore the world...
My paper 'Information on different types of people for graphic communication, website and information designers' has been published on the Usability Geek website...
Tornado migrations can be mapped like birds or wildebeests or commuters. Like just about everything else on this amazing planet of ours, they have a seasonal circuit and an ebb and flow.
The history of artificial intelligence development and the benefits that neuromorphic computers could bring.
Infographic designed for the weekly RLab: nature, science and technology Repubblica...
After the Cambridge Analytica leak and the GDPR introduction in the EU, we became much more aware about our "data pouring". How big is the amount of data we give to Tech Companies for free? Is it...
Migration Trail follows the journeys of two fictional characters: David, from Nigeria and Sarah, from Syria. Their stories are told via maps, data visualisation and social media, in real time over...
Trends in sea-ice thickness and volume are an important indicator of Arctic climate change. While sea ice thickness observations are sparse, here we utilize a ocean-ice model, PIOMAS (Zhang and...
A mounting number of opioid addicts are encountering a deadlier and deadlier supply of drugs. The resulting death toll continues to rise despite years of alarms and efforts to intervene.
The project intends to convey and communicate advice on how to live a healthier and balanced life: contact with nature and its cycles, healthy feeding, physical exercise, good rest, practice of art...
Streets and squares are an archive of both language and history. We discovered some fascinating patterns in the distribution of the 450,000 street names in Germany. They tell the story of almost...
This infographic is about the long trail of death and destruction that “category 5” hurricanes leave every year on their path across the United States and the conterminous seas.
The visualization...
More than a third of American adults are not getting enough sleep on a regular basis, according to results of a study released by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) in...
This is a searchable database of all of Trump's tweets in 2017. Each grid forming the image of Trump here represents a tweet. The tweets can be arranged in order of weekday & month.
Russian stacking dolls are known in their homeland as matryoshka, which means "little matrons". Here the coaches of each of the World Cup teams are transformed into little matrons to show their...
Visualize various top pitchers performances throughout the 2017 season using these versatile heatmaps. You can easily see patterns around when pitchers gave up runs throughout the season from a...
As part of the transition deal announced in March 2018, Britain agreed to remain within the European Union’s Common Fisheries Policy for around 20 months after Britain leaves the EU on March 29,...
Water is not only the source of life, but also the material basis of social economic development and social progress. However, water resources are scarce in China, the thirteenth largest in the...
A healthy Twitter conversation can be seen as one with long chains of replies that have little to no toxic messaging. For a conference talk urging cultivation of healthier conversations, I...
A research project exploring the potential of walking to gather environmental data and through multiple walks and visualisations build a rich picture of that area. The project examines creative...
Chartable is a blog written by people who work at Datawrapper, a charting tool for journalists.
Together with our readers, we explore how to create better charts and maps: What to consider when...
This work includes monthly survey results from a research company, giving insights about different demographic groups' viewpoints about varying subject matters.