In two centuries, the world has been dramatically transformed by a series of interconnected moments-the breakthroughs, creations, discoveries, innovations, revolutions and momentous human...
Detailed accounts of the daily lives of Israeli settlers in the West Bank are relatively limited, obscuring their very different lived reality compared to Palestinians residing in close geographic...
This infographic defines the key objects which overtime have had a profound impact on the development of Retail and society. Arriving at the list of 100 objects has been an enriching experience....
Although dialogue can be seen as a way to awake emotion in an audience, it also has a logical and constructive nature. It can be used as a way of seeing the overarching hierarchy and plot of a...
Originally held at Olympia in Greece between the 8th century BC and the 4th century AD, the Olympic Games returned in 1896 after a 1500 year hiatus. A few sports have been featured on every...
The foremost social network focused on professionals, LinkedIn gathers valuable information on individual job-seekers, job-holders, and businesses worldwide. We work with LinkedIn to highlight some...
Follow Norm through an interactive life of risk and discover the real statistics behind everyday risks and dangers.
The website is based on The Norm Chronicles: Stories and Numbers about Danger,...
Doctor Who fans frequenty speculate about the likelihood of recovering episodes from the 1960s that are no longer held in the BBC's archive. In the spring of 2013, one rumour really got fans' hopes...
A digital poster featuring an original diagram by Julie Mader-Meersman that communicates the breadth and depth of multi-disciplinary graphic design to those beginning and outside its practice. It...
The United States Electoral College is the institution that officially elects the President and Vice President of the United Sates every four years.
This political map looks very different from the...
The best description of this work is found in a post I wrote here:
The Big Mac Index was invented by The Economist in 1986 as a lighthearted guide to whether currencies are at their "correct" level, based on the idea of purchasing-power parity. Since then,...
The 2012 Xylem Value of Water Index is a nationwide poll of American voters detailing what they think should be done about the country's water crisis and who should pay for it.
The key findings of...
This interactive tool was created to help people work out how much time they could save if they found quicker ways of doing things in their life. I used Tableau Public in a way that it isn't...
Grevilleas are members of the Protea plant family and are widespread across Australia. Colour palettes of Grevillea flowers were extracted from photographs, and linked to occurrence records sourced...
Making the quantity of all human produced objects feasible which circulate around our planet might be difficult to imagine. So we built a storyline that picks up the subject from different...
The Cabinet Office commissioned TNS BMRB to disseminate the results of their survey based on the public perspective on community and charitable giving. We interpreted these findings in the form of...
This infographic gives a detailed overview of the book making process. This was used as a sales consultation tool by a book manufacturer to walk prospective customers through their custom quote and...
London-based information design agency Signal Noise has launched a new version of last season's successful Transfer Window website with updated features for the 2013/2014 season.
The huge sums of...
GraphAlchemist creates humane interfaces for complex data. The Hollywood Graph is a public facing demo for our business intelligence tools that allow users to make decisions based on complex,...
A visual representation of Psalm 119 in the original Hebrew (The Westminster Leningrad Codex) with English, using the World English Bible version. This immense infographic-like display reveals...
An interactive that combines six separate polls and three sets of betting odds into one visualisation that gives readers an immediate insight into how the political temperature was tracking during...
As my contribution to celebrating the 50th anniversary of the TV show Doctor Who, I produced and self-published this book of data visualisations. It struck me that while there are many books filled...
Approximately 70,000 thoughts run through the human mind each day—a significantly larger number than the amount of breaths you take daily, averaging 21,600 to 24,000.
Corruption is a problem worldwide, but how bad is it? And what can be done? Transparency International's Corruption Perceptions Index seeks to help answer these questions.
The complete story of the FiFa World Cup, beginning with the first edition of 1930 in Uruguay until the last of 2010 in South Africa. The analyzed data are used to display the goals scored, the...
The Startup Universe displays and explores the relationships between startup companies and their founders and investors (Venture Capitalists) since 1990.
This 7.5 foot wide poster shows the complete statistical history of the New York Yankees baseball team -- every hitter, every pitcher and every season in the more than 100-year history of the team.