Happy hour may possibly be the best hour of your entire day. A chance to unwind a little after a grueling day of work, mingle with co-workers and friends, enjoy some food, and catch a cool buzz....
With the fine weather on everyone's lips this summer, I decided to investigate if this really was the best summer ever. I sourced data from Met Eireann—the Irish meteorological service—and used...
This map shows monthly average temperatures recorded by approximately 7,280 climate stations around the world since 1900. Our goal was to show the beauty in the diversity of land temperatures,...
Everything Oscar Wilde said or wrote was designed to be quoted. But how far has he succeeded? We used search engines, books of quotations and newspaper archives to work out which of Wilde's...
A research made by the website "OkCupid": half a million straight people have been asked "have you ever tried sexual intercourse with the same gender as yours?"
the answers were:
Red: "No, and I...
–The Better Life Snowflake' uses the data from OECD Better Life Index. This website shows data by either country of category. I wanted to simplify that data even more by using one image. To do this...
A modern graphic interpretation of the Paris mass transit system. It is original art inspired by the paths of the Paris metro and the RER railroad. LinePosters is the collaboration of a graphic...
The wolf in our living rooms. How much wolf is left in man's best friend?
This poster visualises the genetic relationships and diversification of dogs since their domestication from wolves.
State-by-State is the premier data product from Visual Data, designed to be an online destination for visualizing economic and political data about the United States. Targeted towards business...
These new city maps are formed by –connecting the dots' between stores of major brands, such as McDonalds, Starbucks, The Body Shop etc. By linking them and covering the area between them the image...
Understand the diversity of California by examining regional idiosyncrasies. Investigate interests like gun advocacy, veganism, country music, and baseball from a geographic perspective. ...
This was a project for my personal blog 'design and dragons' about design and Wales. Having moved to North Wales a couple of years ago and being asked a lot of questions about Wales, I wanted give...
Using a continual progression of movement, we slide from scene to scene and transition between contrasting colors to explain an app that uses geolocation. Helping a business tell their customers...
This is an interactive timeline of events about the Prism scandal, chronicled by selected media in online news articles, giving a summarized view of events as they unfolded. It's intended as a...
This Information Design displays data collected from George A. Romero's Dead series. Each data set shows the correlation of gender and violence throughout the four films. Each piece of data...
This interactive map teaches you the history of street and landmark names in San Francisco. I started the project because these names turn out to be a wonderful window into different layers of...
In 2012 there were approximately 810 million people over 60 years old in the world. This number is projected to grow to more than 2 billion by 2050, at which point the elderly will outnumber...
This sculptural data visualization generated from the forces of wind is an exploration in new media art centered around the concept of creating tangible artifacts from intangible forces.
Ancient Chinese inventions include many common items in use today, amongst them paper, silk, matches, gunpowder, and even toothbrushes. The graphic looks at some of these inventions, sorting them...
50 YEARS OF THE GERMAN SOCCER LEAGUE: The graphic shows all end-of-season placings from 1963 to 2013. By the way it's a homage to the well know record cover "Unknown Pleasures" from Joy Division.
This web Application visually organizes the U.S. Presidential Election results. It provides the viewer with a more in-depth analysis beyond the red and blue divide.
The entertainment company LIONSGATE–s (NYSE: LGF) rise to stardom is a Hollywood darling of a success story as perfect as any Oscar-worthy screenplay: from initial founding in Vancouver in 1997,...
Showrooming is the practice of examining merchandise or products in a store and then buying it online for a lower price. The infographic walks through the viewer defining showrooming, give examples...
This piece was originally created as a 40th birthday gift for a friend who loves baking. I loved the idea of giving her a playful piece of art she could hang in her kitchen. I created all edible...
Data visualisation in a book format with data from the UN's Human Development Report about well-being and development. I designed a collection of books, one for each of the 187 countries that are...
The Oberhaeuser calendar 2013 is a printed wall calendar 100x70cm big. Each color-ring represents one month of the year. Federal holidays (United States) are highlighted with an icon and white...
The visualisation was created to highlight the social impact building up to Kate Middleton's and Prince Williams Royal wedding.
The visualisations have a simple, clean and clear style that use...