The aim was to visualise career paths of former PhD students supported by the Wellcome Trust and find how many of them stayed in academia and how many left or stopped working and studying...
A digital poster featuring an original diagram by Julie Mader-Meersman that communicates the breadth and depth of multi-disciplinary graphic design to those beginning and outside its practice. It...
To celebrate 30 years of NatCen's British Social Attitudes survey we launched a new interactive data tool letting you explore 30 years of data on attitudes to the economy, welfare, morality,...
Concept and design of a full-page visualization on the topic of linguistic diversity for the weekly newspaper DIE ZEIT. The visualization shows the 99 most common languages in the form of speech...
This handout was used as a summary after our popular 'Choose Impact' event (where David McCandless was a speaker). The event aimed to raise the profile and importance of visualisation within the...
This infographic classifies the adherents of major religions to visualiSe the relative (and changing) sizes of different faiths.
The chosen format takes inspiration from the imagery of a sceptre,...
In July this year, a fairly significant piece of British Tennis history went down. Andy Murray, won Wimbledon. The first British male to win it since Fred Perry in 1936. However, the win seemed...
A day before I was given a brief to present information on a personal habit over a period of a week I started a very bland and uninteresting low carbohydrate diet because I needed to cut down to a...
I designed this infographic after being inspired by a post on the Economist's website. The Economist Intelligence Unit (EIU) created a –Where To Be Born Index' in 1988 and now again in 2013. The...
Every day helps hundreds of Russian home buyers, sellers and renters to make the right decisions. Interactive map shows how the real estate prices in Moscow have changed over the last 3 years.
Created for a 2013 Social Media Week presentation, “Going Private in Public” outlines key findings from the JWTIntelligence trend of the same name, using an up-tempo soundtrack, clean and bold...
Confessions of a Blog-a-holic is an infographic displaying the blogging habits (frequency and times of posts) of a Graphic Design student between 2009 and 2011.
Everything Oscar Wilde said or wrote was designed to be quoted. But how far has he succeeded? We used search engines, books of quotations and newspaper archives to work out which of Wilde's...
–Attention Radar' is a web app that visualizes large data sets monitoring political agendas of the Netherlands and the European Union. The data was collected by Montesquieu Institute in The Hague...
Emoto captured and visuÂalÂised the global response around the London 2012 Olympic Games on Twitter. The project consisted of an interactive online visualization, realtime data-journalism...
The graphic »Fly me to the moon« shows all vehicles for man to leave the earth, explore the space and reach the moon. From the first beginning to the future of spacecrafts.
The 2012 Xylem Value of Water Index is a nationwide poll of American voters detailing what they think should be done about the country's water crisis and who should pay for it.
The key findings of...
This infographic was commissioned by, a comprehensive database of business registration information online. The objective was to bring attention to the fact that Initial Public...
With the fine weather on everyone's lips this summer, I decided to investigate if this really was the best summer ever. I sourced data from Met Eireann—the Irish meteorological service—and used...
Working with Unibet we compared the four biggest leagues in the world in terms of popularity, money, the standard of football and the cost of being a fan.
Held every two years, the Gold Cup is CONCACAF's marquee tournament and a chance to crown a champion of North and Central American soccer. The 11th edition of the tournament provides a stage for...
The German armed forces and three other states closed together in September 2010 to bring each national air transport to european accountability. The information graphic shows the new quantity of...
As my extended major project, during my time at The Arts University Bournemouth, I chose to investigate the visualisation of flavour. Palate is a swatch book that visualises the characteristics of...
A visual representation of Psalm 119 in the original Hebrew (The Westminster Leningrad Codex) with English, using the World English Bible version. This immense infographic-like display reveals...
Every Noise at Once ( is an algorithmically-generated, audio-annotated, dynamically evolving map of the music genre space. It arrays the 700+ major music genres tracked (so far) by...
An outbreak of green algae, or hutai in Chinese, has invaded the seawaters off eastern Shandong. It looks harmless and lots of fun, as beachgoers are pictured frolicking in the green mass. But...
The Governance Lab (The GovLab) aims to improve people's lives by changing how we govern. The research think-tank seeks new ways to solve public problems using advances in technology and science....
This interactive map teaches you the history of street and landmark names in San Francisco. I started the project because these names turn out to be a wonderful window into different layers of...
24 hours news channels have become a common media to diffuse news in different contexts in a non-interactive manner. Often used in lavish offices receptions for the guests, their functionality is...