Each row of this cross stitch represents the average temperature for that year. It starts from 1880 (top row) to 2017 (bottom row). White is the average temperatures of the years 1900 to 2000. The...
Drug trafficking infiltrated the national export logistics to control farms, packers, transport routes, shipping companies and ports. Hidden in containers with fruits and vegetables, they sail...
The Infographic wheel is a handheld design tool - also known as a volvelle - that helps a user select an infographic layout based on the characteristics of their data. Many professionals who work...
Article 19’s Expression Agenda metric reveals the state of freedom of expression internationally. The metric examines 350 aspects of democracy in 172 countries to provide an analysis that captures...
A timeline of five centuries of global Spice Trade that follows the journey of cloves and nutmegs from their source of origins in Indonesia throughout the world, while unfolding the historical...
As a Chinese-Canadian, I am always thinking of fun ways to learn Chinese. I have developed a method of learning Chinese characters from songs. The overall learning process can be both fun and...
Our ancestors conducted friendly exchanges through the Silk Road long time ago.Although it was named "Silk Road", in the trade on this artery, besides silk, lacquerwork and all kinds of rare...
A video of an interactive visualisation that demonstrates how colour (green, white and grey) is used to display associations, and dissociations, in data. This is fun way of educating people in how...
What is a recommendation in the modern age? We explore this question with RecSys, a modern fable that examines through an every day event (a birthday party) the news ways we explore the world...
This visual shows all the stars that we’ve discovered within 20 light years from our Solar system, and the exoplanets belonging to 12 of those stars. When comparing the types of stars, it becomes...
Homelessness is not acceptable. Not in 2018, and not in one of the richest countries in the world: the UK.
To raise public awareness of the issue and inspire people to engage with the solution,...
The annual European Backpacker Index, compiled by priceoftravel.com, is designed to help money-savvy travellers find the cheapest European cities and plan an accurate budget for when they...
A data visualisation of Common Swift nesting sites in Amsterdam and how the UK could learn lessons form protecting the Swift breeding sites to help conserve the species.
Attitudes towards religions are commonly reported on, but rarely in a way that allows relative comparisons. As such, we conducted research among the US adult (18+) population (N=1150), asking them...
The topic of migration in Italy is often simplified for electoral purposes and is often the subject of fake news. Through maps, numbers and infographics, we have tried to reverse this trend. With a...
Sportivity Index is a survey made by Clas-PTS Group and published by Il Sole 24 Ore. For the 2018 edition for the first time we made a strong effort on the web side (the survey has been published...
Malaysia Airlines Flight 370 was a scheduled international passenger flight that disappeared on 8 March 2014 while flying from Kuala Lumpur to Beijing. It last made voice contact less than an hour...
Modern slavery effects 21 million victims on any given day. Exploited Hopes and Dreams in Modern Slavery explores the story of two victims in Switzerland and brings to light how traffickers prey on...
A healthy Twitter conversation can be seen as one with long chains of replies that have little to no toxic messaging. For a conference talk urging cultivation of healthier conversations, I...
With sky-high consumer confidence, historically low unemployment and a growing economy, retail should be booming. Yet more chains are filing for bankruptcy and rated distressed than during the...
Italy is the world leader in pasta production, producing more than 3,000,000 tons every year.
We are the most caloric country, indeed. What if pasta calories were converted in kilowatt per hour?...
China's One Belt One Road (OBOR) initiative will cost $4-8 trillion, affecting 62% of the world's population. See all about the megaproject in this graphic.
This work explores the relationship between the mathematical proportions of Buddhist images and geometric figures, allowing the public to understand the inner structure and standard paintings of...
In Iran, at least 28 prisoners held on politically motivated charges have died in state custody due to beatings, denial of medical care or gross negligence on the part of state authorities since...
Artificial Intelligence is everywhere. 8.3 billion devices around the world automating our lives with the ease of AI. But, few understand how these systems work.
That’s why we created the Watson...
I just wanted to buy a mascara but I got overwhelmed by the range by all these brands. (keuzestress in Dutch)
So I decided to do some data-scraping and -crunching, trying to let the data decide...