This is a four-part data visualization series illuminating the narrative intricacies within Raven Kennedy's adult fantasy romance series, "The Plated Prisoner." The books are a reimagination of the...
While experiencing the beloved "Fast and the Furious" films, one might ask: How fast? How furious? A scrappy team of Bloomberg designers and reporters meticulously analyzed the first seven movies...
The emotion...
Colour percentage of the country flags.
I analyzed how much colour each flag of the countries recognized by the UN has to show which are the most used colours.
I used a tool to analyze...
This interactive visualization depicts the family trees of three ancient mythologies; The Greeks, The Norse, and The Egyptians and allows users to trace the origins of different mythological beings.
With more than 2 million tickets sold on the first day they were available – the most sold by an artist in a single day – The Eras Tour is a historically monumental event that's breaking stadium...
The entrant has supplied multiple files for this work [1] [2]
The infographics design of Beijing traditional technological process of medicinal incense(Yao Xiang) is mainly based on the...
The film industry is one of the most impactful sectors in our society and it has been influencing our values and opinions for decades now. Many key roles in the industry have been dominated by men....
This interactive project uses text mining and data visualization techniques to reveal new patterning insights of the ancient Chinese text I-Ching from both divinatory and philosophical...
The study focuses on investigating the correlation between the positioning of water dispensers and their usage patterns. Through careful observation and data analysis, the research aims to discern...
An interactive visualization showing all of the members of Fleetwood Mac since they started in 1967 and all the albums they’ve produced in that period of time. The members are shown using a sort of...
Van Gogh lived a short, turbulent, and prolific life. During his decade-long career as an artist, he produced almost 900 oil paintings and left us a comprehensive correspondence of letters.
Traditional colors carry rich cultural genes, and traditional color libraries can connect design creativity with national aesthetic standards. However, the current online color libraries need help...
This visualization (interactive version here) is a musical history of one of my favorite artists: Bruce Springsteen. It focuses on his 200 songs and 17 original studio albums over a 45 year career....
In this visual essay, I go to great lengths to explore the question, "how much does Kid Cudi hum?", at a variety of levels of granularity. First, I look at each of Kid Cudi's albums, then at each...
We looked at the Best Picture winners from the past 90 years and analysed the number of nominations in other Oscar categories that they received in that year (nominations, not necessary...
Analysis of 36 trilogies for IMDB rating and domestic box office gross figures in the US. This visualisation looks at the progression of these numbers throughout the series, and identifies patterns.
This visualization explores the career of UK grime artist, Stormzy. It tracks the performance of some of his most famous music, as well as visualising his rise to fame.
It started with The Sex Pistols. Specifically, with The Sex Pistols’ June 4, 1976 show at the Lesser Free Trade Hall in Manchester, England. The concert now ranks as one of the most influential...
'In Rainbows' is one of my favourite Radiohead albums. I love every single note of it. I decided to look at this album from a data perspective. I used the MIDI (Musical Instrument Digital...
The conventional history of art is all of great men making great paintings, and displaying their works to a predominantly male audience. Imbalance, however, brings to light the recognition and...