Cheers to our rich history, diverse culture and impeccable craftsmanship- all being our ultimate sources of inspiration! GENERATION's CLASSIC and COTTAGE are perhaps the only product lines that...
One of the things that make Berghain amazing is the great artists curation. I find myself going to Berghain's website and looking at the listings just to discover great techno and house music...
Vincent Van Gogh is remembered as one of the greatest painters of all time, and has created numerous works. The objective of this visualisation was to create something beautiful, with less emphasis...
When a story is well-written, you can become so immersed while reading that it becomes your world. All your surroundings disappear and all that remains are the words on the page guiding you through...
The project is a multimedia version of the research that we made for The Pushkin State Museum of Fine Arts in Moscow. We analyzed video of more than 100 cameras located in different museum areas...
Separately, we looked at marrying age, divorce rates, and those who never married. Now let’s look at marital status all together, with the addition of the widowed status.
As you switch between...
Game of Thrones has a reputation for killing off its audience’s favorite characters. It’s become a running joke and a warning that fans give to new viewers: don’t get too attached to any character,...
It started with The Sex Pistols. Specifically, with The Sex Pistols’ June 4, 1976 show at the Lesser Free Trade Hall in Manchester, England. The concert now ranks as one of the most influential...
There are many aspects to the Harry Potter franchise: books, movies, a new play, studio tours and theme parks. But when it comes to gauging fan reaction, there’s probably no better place than...
As the last songs Bowie recorded are released as part of an album accompanying the Lazarus stage show, we look into the extraordinary breadth and depth of his creative endeavours in music, film and...
The 'Map of Every City' is a study of history, the urban fabric, personal experience and gentrification applied to the medium of a traditional city street map. Through its universality, it...
Based on film budget, revenue and rating data, Film Money tells the story of the fickle relationship between business interests and public taste. Often demanding huge amounts of effort, manpower...
This pop culture visualization explores all spells used in the 7 Harry Potter books. Hovering over a spell reveals the spell's context and other details.
While experiencing the beloved "Fast and the Furious" films, one might ask: How fast? How furious? A scrappy team of Bloomberg designers and reporters meticulously analyzed the first seven movies...
Thangka is the unique fabric-painting art of Tibet, and few modern people know the origins and production processes of Thangka. I used the form of the temple city to explain the production process...
Recently, I’ve been a bit caught up in old Kung Fu movies. Shorting any technical explorations, I have instead been diving head-first into any and all Netflix accessible martial arts masterpieces...
The visualization explores how different languages present Van Gogh's work and life by images. Inspired by Geolinguistic Contrasts in Wikipedia. The viz tries to show different narrative strategies...
An analysis of the Star Wars Movie Franchise. How much time on screen is dedicated to light side vs dark side? Which characters spend the most time on screen? Which movie did R2-D2 have the most...
Made for William Bevington’s Typography and Visual Design, this project is made up of 196 assets, each including a glass icon, a drink name, and various other data. The assets are combined to make...
The Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung (FAZ) asked me to create visualizations for a multiple-paged special on the Bayreuther Festspiele, an opera festival founded by Wagner. The graphs show some...
I collected four parts of information for the topic"tattoo", which is the environment where tattooists work, what tattooists need to work with, how do tattoos work and statistics about tattoos. I...
Analysis of Box Office trends, by Distributor, from 2011-2016. Reveals the rise of Disney and how the Star Wars and Marvel franchises helped them rise to the top of domestic box office ratings in...
Only self-supporting statues are profiled in this graphic. Statues carved on rocks and mountains or those under construction are not included.
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By list and analysis data of my life in chronological order, I got a life trajectory distribution.
I divide my life into four main parts, education, family’s activities, friend’s activities and...