The Wellbeing Dashboard by Yonder Data Solutions

This data visualisation project attempts to quanitfy and explain different forms of wellbeing, including mental health. The study had two parts which each collected data from a UK-representative sample of over 2,000 adults.

The first part had respondents self-rate three aspects of their wellbeing: mental health, physical health, and social life satisfaction on a scale of one to ten. These ratings were split into low (1-5) and high (6-10) ratings and represented as two points with a line between them. These three wellbeing variables were repeatedly shown crossed with other variables such as free time spent online, social habits, and demographic data. The resulting dashboard can be used to quickly see what variables correlate to mostly positive, negative, or equal ratings of wellbeing from respondents. There is also an Exploration Tool that can be used to see how combining these variables affect ratings of wellbeing.

The second part of the study asked respondents about the one main thing currently affecting their mental health. These qualitative responses were categorised into six main topics and over 40 sub-topics. Each subsequent page of the dashboard shows both qualitative and quantitative data about the people who reported to be affected by that topic.

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