
Make your own vizzed social media avatar

See your social media presence in beautiful, creature-like form with Stefan Wagner’s mesmerising live data visualization project, Sociotope.

Sucking in data from an ‘online identity’ on Facebook or Twitter - be it a user, page or hashtag - Sociotope turns it into a tentacled data creature.

Everything about the bespoke avatar represents the online identity. Each tentacle represents a single post or public activity. Its length is then determined by the length of that post and its colour by images used in the online profile.

Best of all, tentacles move according to the online reaction they got through comments, likes, or retweets. The more social media presence you have, the more your creature moves!

It sounded awesome, so we made one of our very own.

It’s fascinating work, on the cusp between an avatar, interactive toy and data visualization.

Stefan Wagner is an interaction and motion designer currently based in Würzburg, Germany.

Posted in Inspiration — almost 10 years ago