
Thank you for submitting to the Information is Beautiful Awards this year!

We received 1,275 submissions, the highest number of entries to the IIB Awards, ever! The entries came from 55 countries, though it is important to note that 47% of entries came from the United States and the United Kingdom. This shows how much work is left to do in making both the awards and our field more inclusive in the future.

35% of entries came from those who identified as early-career. 54% of entries were submitted by students or members of the public; these submissions did not require an entry fee. Around 9% of submissions selected our special category in 2022, “COVID-19 visualizations”, as their primary category of submission.

The awards are a huge effort to run and we are grateful for the support and patience of the community as we host the IIB Awards for our first year. We also would like to give a shoutout to our 20+ volunteers involved in various aspects of the awards, from judging to communications to program management. Sponsorships are still open for this year's Awards, and for the first time ever in the IIB Awards history, sponsorship is open for application rather than having a single sponsor, so please check out our sponsorship page for more information or reach out to [email protected] if you are interested in supporting the Awards program.

Posted in — over 2 years ago