Curbing global warming, halting the loss of biodiversity, and building a just and equitable economy are among the world’s most pressing needs. To track progress and reveal systemic obstacles to...
F1 has always set the standard for roadcars design and performance. As F1 evolved, the FIA (F1 governing body) wanted to reduce the carbon footprint without compromising on the speed of the cars.
Total War is an illustrated account of the most pivotal historical episode of the 20th century: the Second World War. This authoritative, immersive account of a conflict that forever reshaped the...
The use of Analytics in the Football industry (European Football, or Soccer) is in its infancy. Unlike the US, where analytics are integral to any sports organisation, in Europe, it's just getting...
In early 2020, the COVID-19 pandemic presented the entire world with its worst public health threat in at least a century. But the pandemic had economic consequences as well. And like the public...
Founded by two dataviz-loving brothers who spend countless hours searching the internet for the most interesting, visually stimulating, mind blowing infographics.
These visualisations are fully-interactive graphs of Japanese kanji by their constituent radicals. Kanji can be viewed grouped by school grade when they are taught, as well as by topic. In each...
I play Wordle every day and built this visualization to satiate my own curiosity. I consistently found myself asking questions like: "how many words have Y as the only vowel?" or "which position...
We have trouble understanding and accepting mass deaths . For example, numbers like 1; 2; 14; 20; 50, are all quantities that we encounter quite frequently and therefore we’re able to rationalize...
Ukraine's military and civilians face a deadly problem: land mines, potentially hundreds of thousands of them, scattered across roads, buried in fields and concealed in devastated cities. Reuters...
Data Culture partnered with to leverage data visualization in order to bring their work preceding the 2022 election into the spotlight. The full microsite explores not only their impact in...
New variants of SARS-CoV-2 are rapidly spreading through the U.S. These coronavirus variants are being studied because they may be more transmissible, cause more severe disease, or reduce the...
Based on the data of 2.35 million pieces of cultural relics from database of State Administration of Cultural Heritage of China, this project provide a whole picture of Chinese national treasures:...
How We Gaze is a meta-gallery that shows how individuals gaze at pieces of artwork. The gazes hosted in the gallery are crowd-sourced - individuals are invited to view pieces of artwork, and see...
This visualization presents an aesthetic and holistic way of viewing local climate patterns and the relationships between various weather parameters. Playing with the Wikipedia common...
This video shares importance message around Critical infrastructure entities responsibility to adhere to develop a Critical Infrastructure Risk Management Program(CIRMP). For this piece we...
"Guqin" as a representative work of human oral and intangible heritage, has a long history. My works show the characteristics of Guqin from its basic structure, types, flow, fingering, vocal...
Beautiful Trash visualizes a week of trash collection routes in Cincinnati, OH using the open data from the City of Cincinnati.
In addition to the visualization, there is also a YouTube video...
On the 1st of July, Shanghai started enforcing its compulsory domestic waste management. The city's regulation requires people to sort trash into four categories - dry garbage, wet garbage (kitchen...
Along with irreverent football coverage, Top Corner likes to back up its opinions with facts. Most issues dedicate its centrefold to a piece of data visualisation that often attempts to debunk...
This work visualises nearly 95 million casualties of war from the 20th century. Data made available by The Polynational War Memorial make clear that war was a near-constant characteristic –...
Entertainment Media Use in the Middle East, carried out by Northwestern University in Qatar with the collaboration and support of Doha Film Institute, is an interactive tool that explores not only...
In the middle of the Covid-19 pandemic, a major contagious outbreak occurred, forcing the authorities to take restrictive measures for the population, such as the closure of schools, bars, and...
It is a visualization of the national anthem of China. From left to right, top to bottom, it visualizes the entire song and lyrics. The lyrics of Chinese characters are not complete characters but...
The Big Mac Index was invented by The Economist in 1986 as a lighthearted guide to whether currencies are at their "correct" level, based on the idea of purchasing-power parity. Since then,...