Natural disasters, including earthquakes, with their great power, can have devastating effects on a massive scale. This work examines the earthquakes that have occurred worldwide between the years...
In the wake of the rapid advancements of AI technologies and multiple reports of their issues, regulation efforts are currently catching up. Hence, I wanted to visualize the current progress of...
In Migration between Search and Reality; the user can explore the migration search interest on Google...
The ocean has a strong influence on Earth's weather and climate, affecting our daily weather and shaping long-term climate changes. In the realm of scientific studies, acquiring the...
Widow fountains, also known as green dragons, are iconic fixtures in Milan, Italy.
Since 1931, the Lamperti foundries have produced and maintained these distinctive fountains. Standing at 1.55...
User Onboarding is an important process in an online B2C Business. Conversion of Users from signup to revenue-generation activities (called activation) is considered one of the most important KPIs,...
In 2018, 15-year-olds were tested in science by the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development's Programme for International Student Assessment (or PISA). Children in Canada scored a...
Lab24, the visual area of Il Sole 24 Ore, has published “La Guerra dei chip”, a longform that explains why semiconductors are the most valuable and disputed piece of technology today, with analysis...
A data visualisation produced for International Women's Day 2023 highlighting the underrepresentation of women in the world's national parliaments across a 10 year period from 2012 to...
As part of the Real World Fake Data #RWFD community project, this dashboard seeks to visualize the cross-functional mobility of a hypothetical company with less than 100 employees, i.e. their...
The Russia-Ukraine war and the ensuing oil embargos have been in the news for long now. The impact of this on India's oil trade and the corresponding trade figures are depicted here.
With a...
NYC Covid Mortality Map is an interactive data visualization that aims to shed light on health disparities by visualizing the imbalanced death toll of Covid19 across different zipcode areas in New...
Health indicators make it possible to compare health spending per person in different countries and regions, assess government commitment to public health, and in turn reflect the economic health...
The World Press Freedom Index Visualization is designed to illustrate the global rankings of countries and regions based on indicators reflecting the level of press freedom. Press freedom...
This book closes the gap between what people think Excel can do and what they can achieve in the tool. Over the past few years, recognition of the importance of effectively visualizing data has led...
The first map shows the degree of social backwardness in each state of Mexico with three indicators: illiteracy, the population over 15 years of age with incomplete basic education, and the...
Explore the fascinating journey of Indian cinema through a unique visual experience. Our visualization unveils the changing popularity of movie genres from 1940 to 2022. By looking at the number of...
About two years after publishing "Geography of the Use of Pesticides in Brazil and Connections with the European Union", Larissa Bombardi, a professor and researcher on pesticide use in Brazil,...
A healthcare analysis dashboard of select sample data of California hospitals covering Utilization, Hospital Analysis, Inventory, and Rating. I worked to find public and sample data that could be...
The Taco Bell lunch/dinner menu consists of 41 items composed of 31 different ingredients.
While some of these menu items consist of a single ingredient (like 'Black Beans'), most have several...
2022 was dominated by concerns over COVID-19, a turbulent political landscape in the US and rapid increases in the cost of living. I personally was at a pivot point in my career and looking forward...
The dashboard serves as an interactive tool for HR data analysts. Within an organization, people frequently move from one team to another or shift between departments. This dashboard helps users...
This exploration is done as a school project for the data analytics and visualization program at MICA (Maryland Institute College of Art).
This work is not affiliated with the Bird Life...
The first chart shows the age and gender distribution of shooters in the United States from 1999 to 2022.
The radial line graph shows the differences in mental disorders according to gender,...
The data shows the quality indication of Robosta coffee based on the country of production. Robusta coffee is a type of quality that is produced and consumed in different parts of the globe. The...
Moving Madness is a data visualization of my first month in another country and what a rollercoaster it was. In 2022, I packed my bags and moved across world for my masters program. The data...
Each year The Atlantic Council's Freedom and Prosperity Center publishes their Freedom and Prosperity Indexes, dedicated to exploring the relationship between freedom and prosperity in both...
The Nakaiy Almanac visually merges indigenous knowledge and weather data, showcasing the value of an intricate and historic understanding of weather patterns and of emerging changes in weather...