Genetic engineering is already a huge influence today but a new gene editing technology called CRISPR is going to change our daily lives inevitably and forever. This video gives a comprehensive...
By visualizing data on air travel, tourism, Erasmus student migration, and marriages within Europe, my project (created using D3.js) aims to explore the social connection between European Union...
Trachoma is the leading infectious cause of blindness in the world, impairing the vision of around 2.2 million people, of whom 1.2 million are irreversibly blind. It is a health problem in around...
The Swiss Post recently presented various information and resources on e-commerce. The scrollable microsite conveys the notion of e-commerce being more than just an online shop. Interdisciplinary...
Heights of 13million buildings in England. Data is from LiDAR data & building outlines open data.
The visualization uses vector map tiles (from Open Street Map basemaps), MapboxGL, Angular JS,...
Millennials continue to puzzle the general population.
Many Boomers are still trying to pinpoint how millennials approach life. They are trying to understand how to impress millennial...
Since the retirement of Nasa’s Space Shuttle in 2011, Soyuz has been the sole means of transportation of crew members to the International Space Station to this day (2016). This graphic attempts to...
I’m the kind of person who binges on real-time charts during election nights, but not this voting season. My interest is waning because of a sense that political divisions have become deeper, less...
Olympians are young, supremely healthy people who’ve been training with the intensity of combat troops for years. Suddenly they’re released into a cocoon where prying reporters and overprotective...
Effectively communicating climate change is a challenge. The animated climate spiral is a different way to show the observed changes and resonates with a broad audience. The original version...
As climate change alters habitats and disrupts ecosystems, where will animals move to survive? And will human development prevent them from getting there? This map shows the average...
During the Climate Conference we published 3 visualizations on the impact of human CO2 emissions. A simulation in which the ‘bubble rate’ reflects the actual CO2 emission rate makes the different...
The Battery Series is a five-part infographic series that explores what investors need to know about modern battery technology, including raw material supply, demand, and...
Dress For Our Time, by award-winning artist and designer Helen Storey MBE RDI (London College of Fashion, UAL Centre for Sustainable Fashion) and creative agency Holition is a unique installation...
By tallying who appears most often on playlists titled with the word “punk," we can learn how parts of culture perceive genres and the bands who represent them.
The list of scheduled speakers at the Democratic National Convention is nearly twice as long and more diverse than the Republican National Convention last week. Here's how the speakers at both...
A visual and data analytic exploration of success in tennis: Uncovering the relationship between performance and popularity.
The visualization shows the career paths of the currently 500 best...
The last star that survives before the universe turns dark will very likely be a red dwarf. This video explains what makes red dwarfs special and why they might be humanity’s last resort for a new...
It is an infographic about the relationship between the lack of education and the no use of contraceptives of teenagers (15-19 years) in Mexico during 2014
In a world where climate change is a hot topic of conversation; What are we doing to lower pollution? What happens when fossil fuels run out? What powers the world?
With all this in mind,...
It was the BBC that came up with the format, which pairs celebrities with professional dancers for a televised ballroom dancing competition. The first series began on 15 May 2004. Later that year,...